What Exactly Is An Air Squat Anyway?

What Exactly Is An Air Squat Anyway?

What if a brief exercise of 60-90 seconds, made it less likely that this dessert would get stored as body fat? That is exactly one of the things Tim Ferriss explores in The 4-Hour Body.ice cream | www.4hourbodygirl.com

He recommends Air Squats, Wall Presses, and Chest Pulls. I had to look up Air squats on line. Then I got to the chapter where he demonstrates the moves. So I’ve been doing 30 in a row, about an hour after I eat. I think this is right.  I’ve been doing them while I wait for things. Water to boil, brushing my teeth, etc.

What air squats do is they essentially fix your lower body… the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and internal thighs. These babies are powerful! In light of the fact that the scope of movement is much more profound than with the run of the mill squat. It likewise fixes your core, particularly the lower abs, plus it raises your heart rate.

I haven’t been as consistent with the Wall Presses and I haven’t done any Chest Pulls yet.

I need to re-read this to make sure I’ve got the timing, and reps right.

8 Benefits of Squats:

  1. Builds Muscle in Your Entire Body 
  2. Functional Exercise Makes Real-Life Activities Easier
  3. Burn More Fat
  4. Maintain Mobility and Balance
  5. Prevent Injuries
  6. Boost Your Sports Performance — Jump Higher and Run Faster
  7. Tone Your Backside, Abs and Entire Body
  8. Help with Waste Removal

Here’s a photo to demonstrate and I’ll put the description below.

Courtesy of heidipowell.net

Here’ how to do them properly & to gain the biggest 

Step 1:

Stand with your feet hip-width separated with your toes pointed marginally outward. Your arms ought to be hanging free close by. At that point connect with your center muscles and push out your mid-section marginally by pulling your shoulder bones towards one another.

Step 2:

Have your knees bent to as close to 90 degrees as possible, and push your butt and your hips out and down behind you as though you were sitting into a seat. Keep your weight on your heels and ensure your knees are over your toes, however not past them.

Step 3:

Descend until your thighs are beneath parallel to the ground, or as far down as you can get them. You want  your knees to stay remotely pivoted (don’t give them a chance to point inward). As you let down, bring your arms up before you no higher than parallel to the ground. Make a point to keep your middle upright.

Step 4:

Straighten your legs and squeeze your butt to come back up, lowering your arms back to your side

 There you go easy peasy! Now do 30!

For more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!

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