There are so many great blogs out there to get the information you need to lose weight and stay motivated. It can get confusing so I decided to create a list of the Top 30 Health Bloggers To Follow Now To Lose Weight so you can add them to your RSS feed. Get tons of weightless tips whether it’s different exercises to try out in the gym or recipes to try at home, these top 30 sites are amazing!
Top 30 Health Bloggers To Follow Now To Lose Weight…
Girls Gone Strong
The women’s fitness authority. A GGS embodies strength of mind, body, and character. Girls Gone Strong is one of the best resource for women’s health, wellness, nutrition, training, and lifestyle information.
But more than that, they are a force to be reckoned with that’s fighting back against the multi-billion dollar weight loss industry and mainstream media who try to convince women to be LESS instead of MORE.
Lift Like a Girl
Simple, no nonsense, and effective strength training and nutrition information for becoming the most awesome and strongest version of yourself. The Sane & Simple Way to Build a Better Body.
Nerd Fitness
Is a community for nerds, desk jockeys, and weekend warriors looking to level up their lives. Whether you’re hoping to lose weight, build muscle, run a 5k, or just feel better about yourself, you can find information on how to get started. Steve says, “As we’ve learned from Optimus Prime, small changes can eventually add up to huge results.”
Self proclaimed, reformed binge-eating, beer-guzzling lazy ex-smoker. Tess, is a Brighton-based SEO/social media marketer and copywriter by day and a limit-pushing fitness freak by early morning and night. She now blogs about fitness and healthy eating escapades. Pop on over – 🙂
Tabata Times
Founded in April 2012, Tabata Times has grown to become the largest independent media voice covering the fast-growing sport of CrossFit.
Fit Bottomed Girls
Keeping a lid on the junk in the trunk. The Fit Bottomed Girls don’t take anything too seriously—including fitness. There regular girls who share their trials, tribulations and adventures in staying fit to help you know what’s good and what’s whack when it comes to working out.They have a new book too; The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet.
Running on Real Food
Deryn Macey is a Vancouver-based Graphic Designer & Blogger who has a passion for health and fitness. You will find vegan recipes made from real, whole food, fun and effective workouts to keep you moving and plenty of health and wellness tips to living your best life.
Prevention RD
Nicole is a director and Registered Dietitian and she knows it can be confusing trying to be healthy! Let her be your guide to a practical, straight-forward, and maintainable approach to a healthy lifestyle.
Oh She Glows
Angela Liddon’s mission is to make you “Glow from the Inside Out.” She created her blog to share her story about her recovery from an eating disorder, her journey to health, and the amazing transformation that food can make in our lives.
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Deliciously Ella
Wow! As a blogger myself, I’m finding her website extremely inspiring! Follow her for health & happiness inspiration! Blogger, foodie, yogi, best-selling author, app creator & co-founder of @the_mae_deli book.
Deliciously Ella developed after she was diagnosed with a relatively unknown autoimmune disease, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTs). Her entire nervous system had shut down, to the point that she was unable to walk between my bedroom and the kitchen without blacking out. She decided to try a natural approach to healing. She shares what she has learned about nurturing the body through food, which has been the most amazing success.
Fit Foodie Finds
Fit Foodie Finds is a blog devoted to healthy living where Lee Hersh attempts to find balance in every day life. It’s about the things she loves…baking, hiking, fashion, photography family, crocheting, sewing, eating, yoga, and many more things. FFF is not only a place where she shares delicious, healthy recipes and fun workouts, but a place where she shares her experiences and living life in a ways that make her happy.
The Roasted Root
Julia Mueller is a Food blogger & cookbook author. Vegetable-obsessed mountain biker, snowboarder, photographer, writer, Based in Lake Tahoe, California. The Roasted root is a food blog dedicated to sharing nutrient-dense whole food recipes with the occasional gluten-free treat.
Healthy, Happy, Life
Los Angeles based, Kathy Patalsky is the creator of the vegan food blog Healthy. Happy. Life. and is the author of the cookbooks 365 Vegan Smoothies and Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen. Kathy is also the founder of the popular website which launched the Finding Vegan App in 2015. She strives endlessly to bring delicious, healthy recipes that vegans and non-vegans crave, adore and make again and again. Her most popular recipe is for sweet potato burgers. Check out her new awesome book here.
Authority Nutrition
Detailed articles about nutrition, health and weight loss. Based on science and written by experts. There’s a great article about the science behind the Low Carb Diet called 4 Meal Plans For Diets That Are Supported by Science that is a must read.
4-Hour Body Girl
I couldn’t leave us out! Helping you ACHIEVE HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS, 4-Hour BODY Girl was founded in 2010, and shares Quick, Easy, Delicious, Low Carb/Slow Carb Recipes To Lose Weight Fast For Healthy Families. Learn how to make money through blogging and work anywhere!
Their mission is to revitalize the way people eat, move, and live!
No Meat Athlete
How a Plant-Based Diet Can Make You Fitter, Faster and Happier, No Meat Athlete, is about giving you tools that some of the best endurance athletes in the world, use to give them the best results.
Wellness Mama
Katie’s, (“Wellness Mama”) goal is to help other families live more naturally through practical tips, real food recipes, natural beauty and cleaning tutorials, natural remedies and more. It is a website for a mom (or dad, or anyone) who cares about the drastically rising rates of obesity and disease and wants better for our children and future generations.
Cranky Fitness
In her own words, “Cranky Fitness is a health and fitness blog, sort of. It was started by Crabby McSlacker in 2007, which in blog years, makes it approximately 97 years old.” Crabby McSlacker, also known as Jan Graham, is a Life and Wellness Coach over at “Live a Little” Life and Wellness Coaching. She obviously has an awesome sense of humor and translates that into her writing.
Lazy Girl Running
Laura is a qualified personal trainer and running coach, among other things. She kept going back to the gym. Kept finding it hard and kept hating running. But many miles down the line running stopped being something difficult and started being enjoyable.
Hungry Healthy Happy
Hungry, healthy, happy is a health and fitness website that features the recipes, fitness and healthy living tips that helped Dannii lose 7st/98lbs and keep it off. She created a 3 week kick start plan you can find here: She regularly posts things about her day to day life so you can get a bit of an insight into the behind the scenes.
Whole Foodie Booty
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Like you have no time to cook or entertain? That you could never eat that (gulp) bread, (double gulp) chocolate, that you have to be a gourmet chef to impress others, that you will never lose those last 10 lbs if you actually enjoy your food? The recipes and tips you find on Whole Foodie Booty, will never be overly complicated, they will be fun, they will encourage you to follow your taste, be creative and they will always be spicy and flavorful just the way you like it! Cooking like this helped Shannon lose 20 pounds!
Kasey is a Certified Personal Trainer and created Powercakes to share her expertise about health and fitness. She has a Bachelors Degree in Health & Physical Education so she should know what she’s talking about! Her motto is, “Be true to you!” and truly believes that you can live an abundant life in all areas as long as you stay true to yourself. She shares that she has learned restricting calories does not get you ahead and endless hours of cardio doesn’t work as well as eating food that helps to fuel her fitness and teaches how you can too.
Joyous Health
You will find a variety of tips, recipes and inspiration to help you live joyously. Joy McCarthy is a Holistic Nutritionist (RNCP, ROHP, CNP) with a passion for inspiring people to get back to basics and eat real food whether you are an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan!
Precision Nutrition
Founded in 2006 by Dr. John Berardi and Phil Caravaggio. It was built on their desire to “pay forward” the invaluable mentorship and coaching they received in their early lives. And has become an organization that helps clients and professionals find what they need to make meaningful changes in their own lives.
fANNEtastic Food
Anne wouldn’t consider herself a master chef so on her recipe page you’ll find simple, easy recipes that won’t have you in the kitchen for hours, and that are healthy but still full of flavor. She is a registered dietician, but is not into “Diet food”. She’s into food that nourishes the body and tastes good. She launched her own nutrition counseling private practice —, through which she loves working with clients to reach their health and wellness goals.
Om Gal is a yoga and wellness website with soul, style, and smarts, created by Boston-based teacher and writer Rebecca Pacheco. She provides informative and inspiring yoga and wellness content.
Workout Mommy
This site is perfect for me! It was created to provide fitness ideas and motivation for busy parents. Lisa, a single mom to 4 little boys who have endless amounts of energy, started her blog to help keep her accountable with her own fitness. I don’t know how she finds the time but she has great ideas. Check it out!
Comeback Momma
Jenn created Comeback Momma to share her real life stories about my quest to be healthy, fit, stylish and happy. Every mom deserves to feel like she is the best that she can be. She hopes to inspire other moms who have had setbacks to find the strength to make comebacks of their own. She says, “If I can do it, so can you!”
Daily Cup of Yoga
Is a yoga blog with tips, tools, & wisdom on yoga, books, & technology. Daily Cup of Yoga documents Brian’s journey through yoga over the last few years. Besides being his personal online yoga universe, his wish is for Daily Cup of Yoga is to provide informative, enlightening content and resources for yogis and yoginis in their study and practice of the fine arts of yoga and simple living. Sweet!
I would love to hear what you thing about the Top 30 Health Bloggers To Follow Now To Lose Weight in the comments below. Have you been following any of them before you read this article? What are some things you’ve learned and added to your life?
Drink this before of your morning coffee.
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Here’s to your Health, Wealth, & Happiness!

Thanks a bunch for including me in this great list. I am honored.
Thank you so much for including Joyous Health on your list!
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