Could Watermelon Juice Be The New Coconut Water?


watermelon juice with coconutMy Prediction is that the next big drink craze to take off like coconut water will be watermelon juice as a post workout drink. I’m hearing more and more about this fruit and how beneficial it is. I always thought there wasn’t too much to watermelon but I’m starting to think differently now. It helps you sleep, it staves off migraine headaches, and it helps you stay skinny. Studies show that women who ate it, lost 33% more weight int he first 6 months, than women on a low fat diet. It is full of vitamins such as A & C as well as an amazing antioxidant called glutathione. This powerful antioxidant helps strengthen the immune system and antioxidants also help with aging. You heard it here first folks…Watermelon is the new Coconut water.
Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments below.

Want to make your own post workout watermelon drink?


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