What Role Does Fat Have In Our Life?

Fat is an important part of our diet.
lose 10 pounds of fat within 30 days
is a compound of fatty acid and glycerol. Fats are generally soluble in organic
solvent and insoluble in water. Fats provide a maximum energy to the body i.e.
9 kcal per gram. In other words we can say fat provide energy approximately
twice as compared to protein or carbohydrate. Consuming good fats like, avocado, coconut, olive, flax, macadamia nut oil, actually help you lose weight because it signals to your body that you are getting fats and your digestive system uses them efficiently. Not having any fat signals to your body to hold on to whatever it has. You need good fats to lose weight.
Fats are the reserve source of energy for the body. When
your body unable to get sufficient energy from carbohydrates; it switches to vitamin
and finally to fats. fats if taken in proper amount in diet, are beneficial for
body and if balance of fat in our diet get disturbed then its lead to many
disease like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer and many
more. The recommended intake of fat in daily diet should be limited to 30
percent of the total daily caloric intake. One-third of fat should come from
saturated fat and two-third from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
Common disease
caused by excessive fat
1) Obesity-excessive intake of fat in foodstuff will
increase the weight of your body and ultimately it will lead to obesity, which
is a source of many other diseases.
2) Heart disease-heart disease is the most common disease
in today’s time. Excessive intake of fat increases the cholesterol level in the
blood which is associated with high blood pressure, results in the risk of
heart disease. Heart failure is found to be more common on overweight people
3) Diabetes type 2-diabetes is one of the fastest growing
obesity related disease. In diabetes, pancreases do not produce insulin in the
body, which is essential to convert sugar into energy for body cells.
4) Cancer-obesity increases the risk of developing cancer
like breast, endometrial, colon and kidney cancers.
How to overcome fat
Today millions of people are suffering from fat diseases
or problems. So here are some tips to reduce fats problems.
1) A balanced dietprevention is better than cure so
always take balance diet in a food, avoid oily and junky food. It is advisable
to take herbal food in your diet like vegetables, fruits, milk etc
2) Avoid junk and oily food-always prohibit foodstuff
which will increase fat intake in your body
3) Do regular exercise-This is the most important tip to
overcome fat problems. Do some exercise in routine like running, jumping,
swimming and aerobics?
4) Drink more water-make a habit of taking at least 8
glass of water in a day. Taking excessive water not only save you from
dehydration but it also throw out the unwanted waste material from your body.
If you need more knowledge regarding health and fitness or
want to know which fats are essential for your health? So please Visit http://www.fourhourbodygirl.com . If
you have another heath related queries you may visit us and post your question
or information here. 

Have a happy, healthy day!

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