Are you following the 4 Hour Body or another slow carb/low carb eating plan? If so, here is The Only Thing About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work that I have found…

If you you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that I started the Slow Carb diet according to Tim Ferriss’s 4Hour Body, in December. I committed to doing it for 60 days. I loved it so much I couldn’t go back to the way I was eating before. I had so much energy, was feeling strong, and lost 10 pounds of fat in those 60 days and I have continued to lower my BMI ever since. The only thing is; I developed an allergy to the things I was eating the most; eggs. This in my opinion, is The Only Thing About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work!
Tim says to eat the same foods over and over again so you don’t fall off the program, but for me, I need variety or it wouldn’t work. So, I modified it, using the foods he suggested, but making each meal as different as possible. The only thing I did eat every single day, were eggs.
Now if it were only me finding out I was allergic to the thing I was eating the most, I would think it was a fluke perhaps. But my husband developed severe allergies to all of the foods he was eating the most of, on the plan as well. He was eating about 30 eggs per week, beef at least 3 to 5 times per week, Almonds by the handfulls every day, and guacamole every day, because Tim suggested eating the same things over and over again to keep it simple. My husband couldn’t breath, his allergies were so bad. He went for test after test. Doctors put him on steroids, antihistamine and an asthma inhaler. He finally had blood-drawn allergy test done and found out he was allergic to all the foods he was eating the most of. After one day of eliminating all of the foods he is allergic to, he stopped having to use steroids, antihistamine and the asthma inhaler.
Do you think it was just a coincidence? Would love to hear your opinions about anything you’ve found About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work.