My son was born Jan. 21st 2014. Here is a photo of us 1 week after I gave birth to him. You can see that I am pretty much back to my normal weight. How did I do it? I attribute that to my way of eating…
The 4 Hour Body works! Eating “slow carbs” as opposed to carbs that are metabolized quickly really makes a difference. I also think that drinking my Athletic Greens, green drink every day and gave me the energy I needed to keep me healthy before, and throughout my pregnancy.
My trick is to fill up on as many healthy foods (G-BOMBS) as I can throughout the day, which leaves me little room or craving for food that isn’t good for me. Don’t get me wrong, I looooove chips, cookies, cake and many other foods that I know won’t benefit me, but of course I still eat them; I just limit them.
I hope you find this blog helpful for reaching your goals. Check the Cheat Sheet for following the 4 Hour Body diet, and my coaching packages.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you need support in reaching your goals. I’m hear to help.
Here’s to your health!
Thanks for sharing,