7 Secrets Diet Companies Don’t Want You To Know

7 Secrets Diet Companies Don't Want You To Know | www.4hourbodygirl.com

Everyone has a secret; so do diet companies and many other institutions. They believe that if they keep some certain secrets, it will help them boost their profit levels and avoid other similar companies from copying them. They also have a belief, that consumers should not know some things in so they won’t lose interest in their products and avoid buying them. Secrets in business have both positive and negative impacts, but the following 7 Secrets Diet Companies Don’t Want You To Know, could be setting you up to be in danger.

If you’re looking to shed extra weight, going on a diet from a well-known company might sound like a good idea. There’s always new diets running through lifestyle news, but you might burn a hole in your pocket in the process. A program from a diet company could, and probably will work, but their main motivation is to sign you up so you can ultimately expand their brand.

The truth is there are plenty of ways you can lose weight all on your own. People have been using dieting tricks and secrets for years now that show results. Spending money on set meals every day might look tempting, but there are numerous, easier solutions that you might not know about.

7 Secrets Diet Companies Don’t Want You To Know:

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  1. Eat Some Spicy Foods

A great tip to lose some of that extra weight is to increase the amount of spicy food you eat. Most of us don’t know or don’t realize how full we are until about a half hour after eating. Because of this, we have a tendency to consume over proportioned meals.

Spicy foods is a great way to slow down your eating habits, so you’re not constantly chowing down on extra calories. Foods such as hot peppers are ideal because they also raise your metabolism, and some studies have shown they can lower body fat by 1-8%. Eating peppers and other spicy foods will help you burn calories even faster.

  1. Eat Some Fat

“Wait, I thought this was giving me tips on how to trim the fat?”

It is, but what you have to remember is that not all fat we eat is bad. The stuff that you have to watch out for is trans fats or saturated fats. These are unhealthy and are found in highly processed meats and most cookies. Eating an unhealthy amount of trans fat can definitely increase your weight gain.

The fats that you want to look for are called fatty acids. They can be found in nuts, peanut butter and certain types of fish. This study shows that fatty acids can modulate your fat metabolism by as much as 50%. These healthy fats will help you stay fuller longer as they have a higher calorie intake than protein.

  1. Cut Down on Running

This one may sound crazy, but it’s a great tip if you find your weight loss stuck in a rut. If you’re like one of the many people who regularly spend time on a treadmill or bike, you may find it unbelievably frustrating when you don’t see those numbers lower on the scales. This is because most aerobic exercise we do increases our energy output. This will make you want to eat more meals even subconsciously, canceling out all that work you put in at the gym. Some cardio is great but going overboard can yield negative results. Weight bearing exercise is beneficial. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn.Running -7 Secrets Diet Companies Don't Want You To Know | www.4hourbodygirl.com

  1. Do Not Drink Dairy

Most people relate dairy products to weight loss when in actuality the opposite is true. Dairy products hold a great deal of calcium in them which is necessary for any healthy diet but it also contains a lot of sugar. Don’t drink your calories. Instead opt for ice water, tea, and plain coffee with cinnamon.

  1. Don’t Overthink Things

If you find yourself stressed out around the office or at home, you may reach for that bag of chips or cookies. You then wonder to yourself why you’re eating when you just finished lunch an hour ago. This is because you’re overworking your mind. Brain neurons are mostly fueled by glucose, and when you’re racking your head, you may get hungry without even realizing it. Try eating foods that make up a high fiber diet so you can stay fuller for the loner.

  1. Get a Full 7 Hours of Sleep

This tip is important for two reasons. The first one is that you can’t eat if you’re asleep. Late nights of binge watching your favorite show could lead to midnight snacks that put your weight loss at serious risk. We also burn calories and fat when we sleep. Chances are you’ll burn almost twice the calories and fat if you get 7 hours of sleep as opposed to 5 hours.

  1. Wine is Fine

A glass of red wine a day has been known to have significant health benefits. These include helping memory loss, heart problems, and even combating weight gain. Wine holds a compound that blocks the process for new fat cells to grow. A glass a day is fine, but don’t over drink, or you could wind up doing more harm than good.

There are more than just 7 Secrets Diet Companies Don’t Want You To Know, but these are the main ones.

There’s always new diets running through lifestyle news, but you might burn a hole in your pocket in the process. These tips and hints are easy solutions that diet companies might not want you to hear. Now that you have, you’re well on your way to losing those pounds without spending a ton of money.

If you want to lose weight in fast but in a healthy way, follow 4 Hour BODY Girl. Everything you need to know is right here and it’s free! If you need support, you can check out this page

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7 Secrets Diet Companies Don't Want You To Know | www.4hourbodygirl.com
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