3 Simple Work Outs That Take ALMOST NO TIME!

Baby weights | www.4hourbodygirl.com


I’m hoping you are doing awesome!

Did you know that staying seated for long periods of time could lead to dying an early death? And although I am guilty of doing this day in and day out, I’ve been making a great effort to move around more.

Activity= Life… although…

Do you ever think that it seems as though there isn’t ample time in the day to get everything you want done? Or is it only me? I figure most people go through this so I wanted to share 3 Simple Work Outs That Take ALMOST NO TIME!

Russel Brand Exercise GIF | www.4hourbodygirl.com

Photo Courtesy of astrologyy-gifs.tumblr.com

In my own day-to-day routine it is hard to find the time to get in any vigourous activity. I find myself squeezing in squats while I brush my teeth and running around the block after dropping my son of at daycare before I start my day…on the sofa…(oops!). I figure 2 minutes of a little something is better than nothing right? 

Is this the same for you too?

If you do feel similar, you may also be worried about having enough activity in your life that could make a difference in your way of life….

Here I will reveal why it’s important and how to get enough…

Initially, I will point out that I’m certainly not alone in feeling that activity is necessary regarding living a longer healthier life.

The thing is, that The World Health Organization, combined with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advise that people get, at the very least, 150 min. of aerobic exercise per week.

My friend, that’s only about 20 min/day. Not a HUGE commitment. Believe me, I’m not pointing a finger at you, I’m pointing it at myself. I eat really healthy, but I lack in this department.

There are similar


If you break it down like that, it doesn’t seem like that much does it?

At this point we see and hear all the time that sitting for an abundant amount of time, or not getting your heart rate up at all, can lead to greater chances of heart problems, cancer, diabetes as well as dying.

Without a doubt sitting = loss of life.

Wouldn’t you say that’s quite serious?

Just what exactly do we do about it?

Although additional exploration is required to credit precisely what is the connection, I’ve got some sort of hint it might have something do to with how our metabolism processes and decreases if we are resting or inactive, as well as what happens to the health of our cells once we remain in one spot for a lengthy stretch of time, plus, our NUTRIENTS can’t reach our cells adequately either.

Additionally, through not making major muscle groups work hard for prolonged intervals of time, it could make us at risk of a number of conditions… for example poor posture, soreness, pain, as well as immobility.

We run on an easy to use principle:  USE IT or LOSE IT!

Long Story Short: Move.

Here are 3 Simple Work Outs That Take ALMOST NO TIME!

1. Say goodbye to work seat.best-core-exercise | www.4hourbodygirl.com

Consider using a stand-up workstation (I’m not sure were this would fit in my home). This gets you off of your backside in addition to on your feet. 

Weight-bearing routines assist in keeping muscles as well as bones solid. This is more important in keeping your bones strong than calcium is.

A different alternative could be to change out your seat for a balance ball. Being seated on the ball makes you activate your core so that you won’t tumble. (This is more feasible/realistic for me… and I just happen to have one of these balls that I used for birthing my son! Is that TMI?) This also minimizes strain on your lower back.

When you feel like taking a 5 min. break you could use the ball to do squats by rolling it between your back and the wall, plus push-ups and stretches.

An excellent strategy to get those 20min. in each day, hey?

In case you don’t possess any of these, think about changing your positions more frequently. Get up and walk to get water, then you’ll probably have to get up more often to go to the bathroom too. Lol!

2. Look at your kids (Hint,hint).

Hide some sort of jump rope or resistance band in a convenient place like your desk drawer, purse, bag or briefcase.

if you crank it.

Little time to go to the gym? No worries – simply jump rope for 5-10 minutes to get your pulse up along with getting your blood flowing.

Instead of going for that cup of coffee when yo feel that lag coming on around 3pm, why not pump up your body and mind with 5-10 minutes of jumping? 

Don’t forget various activity is crucial, therefore, in case you can’t jump rope or run in place for 5 -10 min. there are always alternatives. Here are a few more suggestions:

10 prisoner squats (hold the back of your head with both hands and squat down as low as you can go) 
10 push ups
10 reverse lunges
10 second plank

Or, head out and tell someone in the office how thankful you happen to be for their efforts/friendship/smile/energy/smell of their cologne. 

And make it a  daily routine 

3.     Resist, resist, resist.

Pick up some sort of tension band and carry it wherever you go.

They are so light and compact you can slip them into your purse or keep it in the car, drawer, bag, everywhere! Then maybe set a timer to remind you to grab it, stick it under your feet to do bicep curls, stretch it apart to work your back, overhead to work your triceps. There are hundreds of Youtube videos that you can stream on your phone to get inspiration and to see the correct ways on how to do exercises anywhere with these tension bands.

4 Hour Body Girl Extra: It’s also possible to simply change one thing to add more activity into your life… take the stairs instead of the elevator. It might not seem considerable at first, but it can add up as time passes. Once you find that becomes too easy, you could start running up the stairs. That could become your adrenaline rush instead of tons of coffee.

Now you guys (and I) don’t have any excuses for lack of activity throughout the day. 

Get going!

Of course, if you still don’t know about the one thing I drink everyday before my breakfast that revs me up and keeps me healthy check this out =>  Drink This For More Energy (My Happiness Drink)

Let me know if you have any quick heart raising activities that you do that take little time in the comments below.

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets | www.4hourbodygirl.com

How To Take The Perfect Selfie


Once you’ve reached your desired weight through following the 4 Hour BODY diet, or any other Low Carb/Slow Cab diet or even just cutting out sugar and other white foods, you will probably feel like being in more photos with your friends and family and maybe even taking more photos of yourself.  Hopefully you grabbed a Before Shot and now you’re ready for the After Shot! How to take the perfect selfie isn’t as easy as it may seem, but if you follow the following instructions on the infographic below, you are sure to take the perfect Selfie!

To keep you on track and inspired for what to make for tonight dinner, I found this amazing Low carb, easy recipe. Check out this CREAMY SUN DRIED TOMATO + PARMESAN CHICKEN ZOODLES from Cafe Delites.


Creamy-Sundried-Tomato-Chicken | www.4hourbodygirl.com

Photo Courtesy Of Cafe Delights

This “pasta” is veggies masquerading as noodles but you just don’t care  when everyone in your family falls in love with you for cooking something seemingly-fancy ?? and reminds you of how good a nice big pot-o-comfort-food really is. No unnecessary ingredients. No excessive toppings – ENOUGH SAID!

Just simple, comforting, creamy zoodles with sun dried tomato cream sauce that helps people like me win at life. You can find the recipe here at Cafe Delites. Who would think you could lose weight eating stuff like this? 

A quick note about finding the right sun dried tomatoes for this recipe. Not all sun dried tomatoes are created equally! The sad, dry ones that come in a package are not as good as the ones that a are packed in high quality olive oil and herbs and spices like the DeLallo tomatoes. If you’re worried about the oil being too oily, it’s okay, you can drain it out and they still taste way better. You just get the little bit of oil but most importantly the moist, chewy texture and the flavor that’s clinging to the tomatoes, instead of dry little shrivels of color.

Oh and another cool thing is that all of DeLallo’s sun dried tomatoes are sulfite-free! Because they are awesome. Yes!

You will be really popular with your tribe… are you ready for that kind of love? 

When you’re done with all of that fun….you’ll be feeling pumped and looking so good that you’ll want to capture the moment and take some photos. So without further ado, here is How To Take The Perfect Selfie

Photo Courtesy of: instntcheckmate

How to take the perfect Selfie | www.4hourbodygirl.com

I would love to see how it turned out for you. Post your pictures on our Facebook Group and feel free to join and post things in our community. You can also get inspired on Pinterest. Follow our boards to get tons of ideas on what to eat for every meal of the day. 

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets | www.4hourbodygirl.com
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