Great Ways To Triple Your Clientele As A Health & Fitness Professional

We all understand that retaining clients in the health and fitness industry can be difficult. What’s worse is increasing your client portfolio; especially when you are doing everything right to manage those clients. Well – apparently. Here are some Great Ways To Triple Your Clientele As A Health & Fitness Professional
Triple your sales

However, after researching for quite some time and talking with some of the leading and most successful health and fitness professionals in the industry, we have figured a out the best way. While combining excellent customer services with a customer-oriented outlook is essentially a requisite, it is also necessary that you reach out to your customers through a blend of marketing options that are available to you.

They may seem audacious, and at times pretty difficult to move through, but at the end of the day, through consistent marketing efforts, you are eventually going to break through the walls.

“What seems impossible today, may eventually become your warm up” (Tweet this)

Membership Referral Program:

One of the most tried and tested ways to increase your clientele list is through a rewarding Membership Referral Program. Allow your present clientele to refer your services to their friends and colleagues. Generally, this can be done via traditional word-of-mouth referrals. However, if you can possibly integrate digital media referrals, it is more likely that you would not only be able to reach out to your potential clients, but you would also be able track their interests and how you could possibly leverage your reach through a source code or app.

Free Trial Option

Another option to attract potential customers is to allow free access to your resources – including your gym and personal training courses online for a limited period.  This would allow them to test your services first hand. You can issue them free passes via traditional referrals. However, this method can be a hassle for you, as well as for your potential leads.

Alternatively, you can provide your potential clients a free printable coupon via email or a code as they fill out the lead form on your website. This can be a good trade-off for your services

Be An Expert

Instead of offering a range of services, focus on what you can actually deliver. (Tweet this). If you can teach and impart yoga better than aerobics, make it your USP. Make sure that your services surpass the expectations of your clients so that they can become the ambassadors of your brand, and can eventually refer it to those who matter. If you can show your potential clientele the reason to be with you, no matter how small the niche segment is, there’s a strong chance that they would refer it to their colleagues and associate members. This would, consequently help you get to build up your business –exponentially.

As they say:

“Once you see the results, it’ll become an addiction” (Tweet this)

Keep Trying

If you believe that you have set your strategies and goals in the right direction and can walk miles to achieve your benchmarks, you can certainly win against the odds.

As per the popular cliché:

“It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing. It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world to see your business change. #KeepTrying” (Tweet this)

Lastly, thank you for reading. If you want further assistance, please feel to contact us. We love your comments and we are here to help!

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Here’s to your Health, Wealth, & Happiness!

Your 4-Hour BODY Girl,




Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

What Drives You To Do Well In Your Business?

Jessie Mcgrath Marketing for Health coachWhen interviewing Personal Health Coach Jessie Mcgrath of In The Pink Fitness the other day, I got some really great insights into what really motivates her to succeed in her business, and it may be the same for you as well. What drives her is not money, it’s actually helping people

I think that this is what has made her successful. When a client needs her help, she is there to help them no matter what. She understands what is going through their minds because she’s been there. She herself had struggled with her weight and was never all that active when growing up, as she explains here:

For most of my life, I have struggled with my health & fitness.  I’ve tried it all… Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Curves, grapefruit diet, no carbs diet, all kinds of cleanses, and so forth.  What results did I have? Not bad! But then, I’d put it back on again over time.  Just like a yo-yo, I was up and down.  

About 4 years ago, I weighed in at my heaviest at 198 lbs. Nothing to laugh at!  I was starting to suffer from chest pains, shortness of breath, depression, low self-esteem, bitterness, etc.  I was heading down a dark path and I needed to stop.  In mid-December, 2009, I went to see my doctor to discuss the problems I was having. She tried, as gently as possible, to tell me that I was classified as obese, and that I was putting too much strain on my already weak heart.  If I wanted to live a long healthy life, I need to change, and change now!  It wasn’t until January 10, 2010, when I was looking at some pictures I had taken from the New Year’s Eve party we had attended, that I finally decided to make that change. I was horrified!  I was looking at a picture of myself and three of my girlfriends and I started to cry. I cried so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. There were these 3 beautiful women standing around me and smack dab in the middle, taking up most of the picture, was me.  In my mind, I had painted myself as always looking “good”. I didn’t think I looked overweight… Until I saw the picture!!  “Frumpy” is what came to my mind first. That’s when something inside of me snapped.   

It was 5:30am on January 11, 2010, when I woke up and headed to the gym for the first time in over 8 years.  I worked out for 2 hours!  But I didn’t stop there. I was determined to lose the weight and to get healthy again for my family and for myself. So, four months later, with training every single day and watching what I ate, I dropped just over 60 lbs on fat; decreased my body fat percentage from 33% to 16%; and went from a size 14-16 to a size 4-6. I felt AMAZING!!!!

She is embarking on a new adventure as a single Mom now, sounds extremely motivated and disciplined. She claims to be an introvert and finds that meeting new people takes her out of her comfort zone, but you would never know it. She is full of energy, and loves to talk and share. “I am an open book”, she says. 

This was great for me because Jessie is my target market. So with regard to my marketing efforts, this interview helped me to create my Buyers Persona. Not only did this interview create content for my blog, content for her Facebook page and gave her exposure to my networks, which could potentially create business for her, it also helped me to create my Buyer’s Persona. She could also become a potential client because I can help her save time and make money through my marketing packages that help Health & Fitness Professionals grow their sales. It’s a win/win/win/win! I’m sharing this with you so that you can start thinking along those lines as well. Create win/win situations with your clients. Interview potential clients so they can gain exposure for whatever is important to them, giving them exposure to your networks, and discuss how else you can help each other. (Tweet this)

Do you have some of the same challenges as Jessie? Here, she shares what motivates her and what frustrates her; what is working for her and what is not:

  • What’s your favorite part about being a health coach? – “Helping people, connecting with people, having relationships. If I could only take 2 things on a deserted island, I would forget food and take my 2 favorite people. I love to learn about people and feel that it’s all about relationships. Meeting new people forces me out of my comfort zone.”
  • When did you start In The Pink Fitness? – “Over 3.5 years ago, around losing the weight personally. I’m going to be in the gym anyway for myself, so why not help people as well? I got the certification. Started with helping my friends and then have been slowly expanding from there.”
  • When did you join TeamBeachbody?  – “Oct. 2014 – I love building relationships and getting leads in order to build trust. It was a no-brainer to join. It’s been the leader in the world of home fitness programs since 1998.”
  • What kind of marketing do you do to promote your health coaching business? – “Everything is done on FB. I find that the more open, exposed or vulnerable I get, the bigger the feedback I get from people as well. It can be scary at times, but it’s worth it.”  
  • What’s your biggest challenge in your coaching business? – Finding more hours in the day. I want to learn more about social media and expand into Pinterest and Instagram, maybe Twitter as well, but I can only manage my Facebook page at the moment. I also want to start a blog because I know the importance of that as well.  Another huge challenge for me is that I get frustrated with people who want to change with a quick fix, instead of investing anything or making an effort. If it’s just financial, that’s one thing, but they come up with excuses, and it bothers me, it frustrates me because I’ve been there and I’ve done it, so I know what it takes. If we sit on our bums, our bums grow. If I extend my help, it’s more than I had. I wish I had the help I’m offering, and it frustrates me when I’m extending myself and they’re not accepting it. I can do things, and so can they. I ask, “Why are you risking everything?” So, that’s something I need to work on a little. I could just put it out there and they can accept it or not. When I was losing the weight, I was paying a personal trainer $125/hr., which is typical. That is why I make my services super affordable, around $35/hr. and it goes down if you buy packages in bulk. I do this so there are no excuses to let me help them be the best they can be.”
Are you having some of the same issues as Jessie? Do you lack enough time in a day to do all of your social media marketing or maybe you would just rather focus on your clients instead of managing your website, social media, lead generation, etc.? If this is the case, contact us now and we will help you create and/or manage your social media and email campaigns to grow your business. We are experts, and we are extremely affordable. Prices start at $100/mo. 

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Here’s to your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Your 4-Hour BODY Girl,


Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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