How To Choose The Best Hosting Company For Your Health Or Fitness Business?

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When I first started out, I was confused about which hosting company to go with. Heck, I didn’t even know exactly what hosting was! I took a whole day to compare each hosting company and then ended up choosing Bluehost in the end. They’ve been around a long time, have great customer service and are the least expensive, although pretty comparable to Hostgator and GoDaddy. I’ve hosted with enom. I found them helpful, but they aren’t open 24/7 like the other 3 companies and they are extremely expensive. Dreamhost is the absolute worst! You can never get a hold of them, and they are extremely expensive, plus they make it very difficult to cancel or transfer out. Check out this infographic for easy comparisons and read below, before choosing who to go with. 

Hosting company comparison chart (infographic)|

Those who have been through choosing the right web hosting services for their website can validate the fact that it can be one of the toughest gamble – especially when it comes to taking your health and fitness business online. While relatively cheap or free web hosts may sound tempting, when it comes to sifting out the best web services, you might just get stumped with what paid web hosts have to offer.

On the other hand, while most companies may claim to offer the best domain hosting services, including 99% uptime, unlimited resources, and knowledgeable support, at the end of the day, the decision mostly depends on what you need. Understanding which hosting company can do this and what package suits your needs can resolve most of your issues. (Tweet this)


This is one of the most of the most pivotal factors of choosing a web host for your health or fitness business, however it shouldn’t be the deciding one – particularly in cases when you plan your fitness website for ecommerce purposes. Add on services, like 24/7 live customer support and quality uptime services, won’t be offered by any cheap domain host. Hence, choose your option wisely.


Look into what the web host has to offer you in order to assist you with your website. Some of the things to consider include the disk space they offer, the number of alternate domains that are being offered, email address, spam filters, shopping carts and web chats.

Operating System Compatibility

Some Web hosts offer a choice of Linux or Windows hosting. If you have specific applications that require Windows, such as SQL Server or a custom application written in .NET, then you need to make sure that your Web host has Windows hosting. You might just need to research on the target audience and where and which browser is hosting your services so that you can evaluate the pros and cons effectively.

Customer Reviews

Roll your eyeballs on the customer support and reviews that your potential web host is getting. Do some Google blog search or find them over social media with their handle. How approachable they are and how much time they take to respond would reveal quite a lot about them.

Control Panel 

Things like installing WordPress, setting up email and setting up FTP accounts are some of the things that you should be able to do without bothering the customer support services. However, for that purpose, the web host’s control panel needs to have a user-friendly interface that you should be able to manage (Tweet this). If it is not, it may become a tricky deal in the long run.

Area of Focus

Knowing a company’s area of focus/specialty can be a great add-on to the services that are being offered to their health and fitness customers. Go with the one that understands your particular needs as a customer. Inquire about the company and areas in which you require their special assistance. It would be great! (Tweet this)

If you want any further assistance, please feel free to connect with me. In the meantime, you can also sign up for Ultimate Internet Startup Guide and download your ebook for FREE!

How about you? Do you have a health blog (or other type of blog) that you’re thinking about monetizing? Any tips, tricks, or advice?
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