Can You Get Rid Of Cellulite? I Did!

Here’s how I did it and Dr.Oz backs it up…

Before I started The 4-Hour BODY to lose my 10 pounds doing the slow carb diet, I had cellulite. Many “experts” told me it was impossible to lose and gave their reasons why. Tim Feriss said it was possible and I wanted to believe this was true. I followed what he recommended in detail. Read and re-read his book The 4-Hour Body over and over again so I made sure I got it. When I went to take my after photos, I saw that the cellulite was drastically reduced, and basically felt like it was gone. I was no longer self-concious about my bumpy thighs. Here is how I did it, and the other day I was watching Dr. Oz and he basically recommends the same thing…

PAGG – I Used this “stack” every day. I took Alpha Lipoic Acid, Green Tea and Garlic Extract before every meal and the Policosonol every night before I went to bed.

Hydration – I have always loved water, and still do so I’m lucky that way. Even when I was a little kid, we’d go to my parents friends house and they’d ask what I would like to drink and I would say “Water please!” They would say, “Are you sure? We have pop, or juice?” I’d say, “No thanks, I like water.” I naturally drink the recommended 8-10 8oz glasses of water per day, so do your best to accomplish this as well.

Caffein and Retinol – Retinol commonly called as
vitamin A is available naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Scientists have
found that the retinoid compounds can penetrate through layers of skin to
provide nutrients to cells to repair themselves. On the other hand caffeine
improves the blood circulation hence assures the breakdown and formation of the
cellulites. It also helps to stimulate heart and brain to work effectively by
dilating vessels to speed up blood flow in whole of the body.

Endermology or Dry Brush – I was lucky that I had the money to pay for a chiropractor visit 1/week, who happened to have an Endermology machine in her office, and she included it in her service. She would spend 15 minutes using this machine on me to soothe my aching muscles, and now Dr. Oz is saying that it is good for reducing cellulite. Dr. Mindy Mar is an incredible chiropractor that really takes care of her patients. She is constantly studying and offers more than just chiropractic services as well. If you’re ever in the San Diego area, and are in need of some TLC, she’s your gal.

If you are on a budget, according to Dr. Oz, you could get similar effects from dry brushing.

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