5 Healthy Tips To Weight Loss

The world is fascinated with weight loss, some for health
reasons and others for cosmetic. No matter the reason, many people try harsh
diets that never work, extreme exercise regimens that result in injuries or
other weight loss program that end without success. The reason that none of
these weight loss methods seem to work is because in order to stay with a
program, you have to enjoy it. Not only that, but it has to be safe as well.
Below are 5 genuine tips to weight loss…

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When and How To Eat Carbohydrates – Plus Solving the Post Workout Puzzle

This is from author Chris “The Kiwi”, founder of
Athletic Greens. This guy is a trained nutritionist who practices what he preaches. 

You Exercise, You Are Lean – But That Does That Mean You Can Eat Whatever You Want? It Depends
 Hey mate, 
I hope this finds you better than ever. By the end of this long post, you will have a pretty good idea how to answer the following questions:
When should you begin to introduce carbohydrates post workout?
When should you reintroduce a carbohydrate RE FEEDING day?
When should you move off of Food for Fat Loss and alter total protein, fat, and carb ratios to a much higher carbohydrate intake on a daily basis?
You should also understand the following:
Insulin Resistance and what that means for carbohydrate intake
Training demands and what that means for carbohydrate intake
 These are important questions that are all going to have an influence on how you feel, how you perform and on how good you can ever look naked, as such there is going to be a fair bit of background.
Let’s get to it.

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Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets | www.4hourbodygirl.com
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