Do You Want It Bad Enough?

Do You Want It Bad Enough?

My friend Shane Jeremy James posted the following article on his blog and I couldn’t help but think how relevant this was to losing weight and keeping fit and healthy. People struggle all of the time with losing weight or staying fit and keeping the weight off, and I think it all comes down to what Shane describes in the following article. Let me ask you, “Do you want it bad enough?” To read more about Taking Control of Your Belief System or to get inspired on many levels visit Shane’s blog

Weight-Loss-Motivation. Do You Want It Bad Enough? |

Adam Horwitz, creator of Monopoly Mobile, once said, “The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is that you’ll fail ten times for every success.” This couldn’t ring truer. Venturing out into a new business like networking marketing will have its ups and downs just like life. If you change the way we look at failures, we can turn them into learning experiences and eventually
turn them into success.Your belief system is the ultimate way to succeed in not only life, but in your business as well. If you change the way we look at failures, we can turn them into learning experiences or turn them into success. What if I told you that you could achieve success just by positively changing your belief system? You would think I was crazy, right? Our goals in life always start with an idea; an idea that can change the entire course of our life, but as soon as we stray away from that course and that original idea, our entire belief system changes.
As human beings, we tend to get stuck in our ways, creating habits and patterns for ourselves. But sometimes it’s these patterns and habits that hold us back in business and in life.Stop for a second and think about what your top five goals are in life and in your business. Where are you on your path to achieving these goals? Have you strayed off that path? And if you have strayed off the path, how do you get back on track to achieving these goals? It’s simple: change your belief system!

When Taking Control of Your Belief System… Here is how:

Identify the Problem
The first step to changing your belief system is to identify the problem(s) that exists. What current beliefs do we have that are holding us back? You need to change your belief from “I can’t change what is happening” to “I have complete control over what is happening.” A lot of times our beliefs are shaped by our parents. Growing up in an supportive household with a positive outlook will create a different belief system than growing up in an unsupportive household. Just because you grew up in an unsupportive house, doesn’t mean you can’t have a positive belief system. You just have to want to be better than the environment you grew up in.
Break the Habit

Once you’ve identified the problem(s) that exist, you’ll be able to break the habit and create new beliefs that will help you on your path to success. You will find that with your new strategy, you will carry yourself with confidence, be able to prospect and close with confidence and generally feel better about yourself. Just remember, you can think about and create your belief system all you want, but you can’t fully integrate it unless you practice it.

Remember Your Past Successes

Looking back at past successes is sometimes the boost we need to create future successes. Identify what mindset helped you in your past successes and figure out how you can implement that in with your new belief system. By the same token, look at your past failures and identify what made you fail. Perhaps you failed at closing a prospect because you approached them the wrong way. Using our past successes and failures can only help you learn to create future success and help you strengthen your belief system.

Create Without-A-Doubt Thinking

Believing in yourself is quite possibly the most important step in taking charge of your belief system. Without believing in yourself, your entire belief system will crumble. Lacking confidence in yourself will leave room for doubts in your belief and might allow you to fall back into old habits. If you walk into an appointment with a prospect and have a doubt that you won’t close, chances are you probably won’t. You have to believe that you’re going to walk into an appointment with a prospect and close. Your confidence is what draws people to you. Your confidence will allow you to sign new prospects to your business. If you leave no room for failure in your belief system, you will not fail.

Do You Want It Bad Enough? Believe in yourself |

I want to leave this with you, my friends. My life has had many ups and it has had many downs. I’ve been completely broke, homeless at times, had barely enough money to eat, ran with the wrong group of friends and looked as though I might not make it. I, however, was able to overcome where others fail. The only reason I overcame my unfortunate events was because of my strong belief system. People around me told me I would never achieve my goals or success. Like Will Smith, I’ve had two things to separate myself from mediocity: my incredibly strong belief system and nobody will ever outwork me. When others say stop, I say let’s keep going; when they want to sleep, I say let’s get up and go. All it takes is a strong belief system t o keep going. If you truly believe you can have whatever you want in the world, you can. Look at what I have overcome in my lifetime and Look where I am today. I am living my dream. You have to believe that if one person can do it, you can too. You can achieve the same results. You just have to figure out how they did it. When the world tells you no, you say yes. When the world says you can’t, you say I can. When others want to rest, you get up and keep going. You have one shot at life on Earth; you might as well go out and get whatever you set your mind to.

As I write this blog post right now, it’s 10:00 pm. I have a long day of business ahead of me tomorrow and I need to get more done. And you know what I’ll do? I’ll put in another three hours of work. Why? Because I want it this bad. I didn’t get to where I am today by procrastinating. I am willing to do whatever it takes to continue achieving success. When you want a high level of succes you have to be willing to overcome the obstacles and push forward. You have to have a strong work ethic and show that you are not scared to work until 1:00 am when you have to. My friends, success is there for you, you just have to take it.
Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something!!

So….Do You Want It Bad Enough?

Would love to hear about your struggles and accomplishments in the comments below. Your story could help and inspire my other readers.

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How To Lose The Baby Weight?

How To Lose The Baby Weight? Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables…

Overall health of mind and body depends upon the foods we eat, and when you want to know How To Lose The Baby Weight, it’s important to eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables. The
rainbow of fruits and veggies being a source of energy is most important factor
to consider for healthy living.
Current agricultural methods rely on introduction of chemicals in production of fruits and vegetables during the off-season.  The ability of chemicals to get concentrate in fruits and vegetables makes them unnatural and unsafe products. With safety concerns, a transition to organic farming is appreciated at every level of production. The organic fruits and vegetables are grown in the absence of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Such organic farming based fruits and vegetables have a variety of health benefits as compare to normal ones.


Photo courtesy of The Mirror UK

Organic produce contain extra amount of vitamins, essential minerals, enzymes and micro nutrients. These are rich of vitamin C, antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium and chromium.  The organic fruits and vegetables are much healthier and
helpful to fight against diseases.
It’s also the only realistic way to avoid eating genetically modified food whose safety has not been completely recognized. Being devoid of chemicals the fruits and veggies produced by organic farming are helpful to keep us away from heart disease, migraine and hyperactivity. Chemicals of
eatables lead to birth defects and so it is good idea to go for organics. Being free of chemicals, organic products could be helpful to reduce depression as well. I would love to here your feedback. Please leave comments below.
Have a happy healthy day!
Your 4-Hour BODY Girl,
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