How To Beat The Flu Without Drugs

sick day |

Have you ever heard of Athletic Greens? The guy who created this amazing tasting drink made up of freeze-dried superfoods is named Chris “The Kiwi” and he sends me messages at least once a week which are actually really informative. Here is his latest message on How To Beat The Flu Without Drugs!

Yes! |

Hi Mate!
Depending on where you get your figures, Americans spend between $7-20 Billion every year on OVER THE COUNTER medicines – most of this is during Cold and Flu Season…. Up to $20 BILLION!
No wonder the drug companies want to keep people in the dark about how easy it is to beat these little bugs with my Immunity Stack. They are making an absolute FORTUNE off of you!
This $20 Billion doesn’t even come close to the amount paid to doctors’ offices every year – or for prescription drugs, antibiotics, etc… those numbers would be simple astounding, right?
Now – let me ask you a question.
What’s your health and happiness worth?
Is it worth trying something different? Is it at least worth trying out my Immunity Stack this Cold and Flu season, to see if it works? I know countless people that have made this routine, adopted a clean eating plan and haven’t used a single over the counter med or seen a doctor for any little bug in years!
So, next question. What are you waiting for?
Go to the HEALTH FOOD Store and get the ingredients for my Immunity Stack… and go online to and get the Nutritional Insurance you need to stay healthy in the first place.
“100% Focus On Happiness”
That is my mantra, and it starts with phenomenal health.
Chris the Kiwi
PS: $20 Billion PLUS… and to think, for less than $2.50 a day (*that’s less than a cup of coffee) you could have all the Nutritional Insurance your body needs to kick butt and BE SUPER HUMAN. Crazy, I know.
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Is Breakfast Still The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

Being attractive and good-looking is a
basic need most people desire. Many do their best  in order to get a body shape they feel good about. Following the slow carb diet to achieve a healthy toned body could be acquired.

In the slow carb diet, breakfast is recommended within 30 min of rising to kick your metabolism into action to burn fat. The new analysis about slow
carb meals
has come up with the same finding; that your primary meal is
very vital and should not be ignored. Of course, it has been observed that
efficient weight loss is a result of following a slow carb diet every day. Breakfast items like cereals, fruit
juice, and white breads are loaded with carbohydrates, and should be avoided. The slowcarb diet food shouldn’t involve any carbs, which are white.

Preferably, according to Tim Feriss, a meal in the morning must include 3 food groups like protein,
vegetables and legumes. 
The healthy proteins of this
breakfast could be eggs, natural meat, veggies, legumes, black beans or pinto

Of course the morning meal remains incomplete without liquids.
Refreshments with slow carb diet breakfast may include herbal, green, or plain black tea, coffee (with
no milk or cream), or preferably water. Mixing in some Athletic Greens with your water would give you extra nutrients, energy and fat burning potential. Carbonated drinks,
pure milk and fruit juice should be avoided
in the slow carb diet

Avoid using cereals as they contain carbohydrates
but oatmeal mixed with protein powder could take part in lower-carb diet breakfast and be full of nutrients. This would be better to maintain rather than losing weight though. It actually
is superior yet, to add some amplified fibre to the oatmeal like Bran.  Now, you too can shapeup your body with such a valuable meal…still the most important meal of the day.

Have a happy healthy day!

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