The ONE Supplement I Take Every Morning

Every day, our bodies produces skin, muscle, and bone, etc. Rich red blood that carries nutrients and

oxygen throughout, and sends nerve signals along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways. 

But to do all this, our bodies require some raw materials. These include at least 30 vitamins, minerals, and dietary components that our bodies cannot manufacture on its own in sufficient amounts.
Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster our immune system. They convert food into energy, and repair cell damage.
How do we keep track of what all these vitamins and minerals? Researching this topic, could make your eyes swim with the references to these nutrients, which are known mainly be their initials (such as vitamins A,B,C,D,E, and K—to name just a few).
To make it easy and to insure I get what I need every day, kind of an insurance policy for my health, I drink this. It’s An Easy Solution To The Problem
Let’s face it. Life can get busy. Getting everything your body needs can be difficult to do consistently everyday.When I discovered Athletic Greens, I knew I had a Solution To The Problem
It’s a bunch of super foods frozen and ground up to make a powder. Most vitamin supplements are heated  which takes away their absorbency power. Since Athletic Greens is frozen, it’s more easily absorbed into the body, giving instant results. 
I wake up every morning and drink it on an empty stomach before I do anything else. I can actually feel it working. It’s the same feeling I get when I drink a fresh-pressed veggie juice. A steady, even energy. Not a jittery energy that I get from Coffee.  And I love the dark chocolate taste. Yum!
What is Athletic
Athletic Greens is a whole food approach to covering your
nutritional bases. Realizing that nature is smart than we are, Athletic Greens is made up of 75 natural food sourced ingredients that include raw greens,
herbs, antioxidants, enzymes, co-factors, vitamins and minerals. Very
importantly it delivers food sourced nutrition in natural food ratios, the way
nature intended.
All of this in one delicious spoon size serving, making is
easy to avoid nutrient deficiencies and optimize total body health.
Importantly for us and our families, Athletic Greens was
made without compromises. It does not contain synthetic chemicals, artificial
colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners of any kind, no GMO’s, herbicides,
or pesticides, no wheat, dairy, gluten, corn, lactose, sucrose, dextrose, egg,
yeast, or peanuts and no animal products. 
Have a happy, healthy day!
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

Is Breakfast Still The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

Being attractive and good-looking is a
basic need most people desire. Many do their best  in order to get a body shape they feel good about. Following the slow carb diet to achieve a healthy toned body could be acquired.

In the slow carb diet, breakfast is recommended within 30 min of rising to kick your metabolism into action to burn fat. The new analysis about slow
carb meals
has come up with the same finding; that your primary meal is
very vital and should not be ignored. Of course, it has been observed that
efficient weight loss is a result of following a slow carb diet every day. Breakfast items like cereals, fruit
juice, and white breads are loaded with carbohydrates, and should be avoided. The slowcarb diet food shouldn’t involve any carbs, which are white.

Preferably, according to Tim Feriss, a meal in the morning must include 3 food groups like protein,
vegetables and legumes. 
The healthy proteins of this
breakfast could be eggs, natural meat, veggies, legumes, black beans or pinto

Of course the morning meal remains incomplete without liquids.
Refreshments with slow carb diet breakfast may include herbal, green, or plain black tea, coffee (with
no milk or cream), or preferably water. Mixing in some Athletic Greens with your water would give you extra nutrients, energy and fat burning potential. Carbonated drinks,
pure milk and fruit juice should be avoided
in the slow carb diet

Avoid using cereals as they contain carbohydrates
but oatmeal mixed with protein powder could take part in lower-carb diet breakfast and be full of nutrients. This would be better to maintain rather than losing weight though. It actually
is superior yet, to add some amplified fibre to the oatmeal like Bran.  Now, you too can shapeup your body with such a valuable meal…still the most important meal of the day.

Have a happy healthy day!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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