Can You Heal Your Life With Food?

If you would like to heal
your life, part of that includes acquiring a safe and healthy diet plan. Several families in
many parts of the world face the great challenge of placing a good meal for the day on
the table. Consequently, acquiring a safe and healthy diet for the family becomes a heart-lending problem for
many of them. Malnutrition is now very much prevalent in the present world as
hunger and starvation oppress many parts of the world not only in the
underdeveloped world (third world countries) but also the developed world
population. Malnutrition is basically different to starvation and is caused by a
deficiency of certain food in the daily meal that we take (or cannot absorb) whereas starvation  is defined as the state where an individual is denied all the nutrients
needed by the body. To be more precise starvation is lack of food over a long
period of time. Malnutrition can result from starvation of course, but it can also develop by not eating the right foods that your body can easily absorb and digest.

Vegetables and garden greens
Leafy greens and vegetables
are very rich source of nutrients. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and
disease-fighting photochemical. They are also rich in fibre that add bulk in
food and helps control the hunger. It helps in weight loss, lowers cholesterol
and consequently, blood pressure. Fibre lowers the absorption of carbohydrates
tempering the blood sugar swing, thus preventing diabetes. Leafy greens produce
foliate that reduces the risk of attaining cardiovascular condition. Minerals
like calcium found in kales keeps teeth strong.

grain and whole bread
Cereals are classified in
the grass category/family. They are the fruit that are fit for human
consumption and include maize, wheat, rice, barley among others. All these
whole grain cereals contain the bran, the germ and the endosperm. The germ
consists of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. The bran is the outer
protective layer containing vitamin B and fibre and the endosperm contains
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eating a whole grain cereal like oatmeal in your diet is healthier
as compared to refined one. In refining, the bran and the germ are removed thus
eliminating much of the nutrients in the grains. If you want to lose weight quickly, cut out any grains until you reach your desired weight and then add them back in to maintain.

Seafood is a very rich
source of protein, vitamins and minerals but low in calories, and total saturated fats. Seafood is ranked as the food that greatly reduces
the risk of developing many diseases and conditions such as heart attacks,
obesity, high-blood pressure and stroke. It is also known to provide children with the
essential nutrients in their crucial development stages.
Fitness experts and
nutritionists have been emphasizing that a healthy diet plus regular exercise
is the best combination to achieve a healthy state. To keep lean muscles and extra fat off, there is one product you should not
miss out on- Athletic Greens. Athletic
Greens contain 70 plus organic ingredients extracted from nature. Have you ever
tried Athletic Greens? If so, I’d love to hear what you think. Please leave a
comment below.

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

What’s The Best Diet Plan To Keep Women Toned?

Chicken-Sausage-and-Vegetable-Skillet-Low-Carb-Paleo |
Ever wonder What’s The Best Diet Plan To Keep Women Toned? Most women want to flaunt their
curves but few feel confident enough to do so. This is partly because of the irregular lifestyle and unhealthy food habit that most of us women have. However, with a little dedication towards a health regime and good diet, preferably
slow carb diet, we can shed the extra pounds. Slow carb diet mainly consists of carbohydrate foods with a lower glycemic index. It also helps to keep the blood sugar level steady.  
Creamy-Sundried-Tomato-Chicken |

Photo Courtesy Of Cafe Delights

If you are desperate to get that
toned body, you will have to say goodbye to food like rice, bread, fried or
oily food, potatoes, pasta for 6 days per week, until you reach your goal. Instead of that, you will find reasonable
health benefits from fruits, almonds, cashew, asparagus, salad, onion, organic
beef, chicken, eggs, spinach etc. You can also click HERE to
know about healthy food supplement.

This diet plan could be coupled
with proper training and supplements to gain maximum benefit. Majority of women
get too busy with their daily household work that they almost forget to take
care of their own health. It is very essential that we drink plenty of water
and get sufficient rest daily.Have a happy, healthy day!
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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