Busy? 15 Min is All You Need To Look and Feel Amazing!
Last night’s dinners was a hearty meal of grass-fed steak, broccoli, a green leafy salad, and a half glass of red wine. I posted pics of the food I eat in earlier posts if you’d like to check them out.

Enter a Minimum Effective Dose Workout
Goal: Remove Restrictions, Improve Mobility, Improve Tissue Quality
3 minutes of activation/mobility/dynamic warm up
Goal: Use some of that improved tissue work to immediately perform a series of activation and mobility exercises to improve movement patterns.
Glute Bridges x 10 with adduction (5 second squeeze at the top) I clamped the foam roller between my knees for the adduction part to save time.
Reverse lunges with rotation (arms overhead) x 6 each side – one of the BEST hip flexor
mobilizers on the planet.

Image from skinny mom.com

3 minutes of neural activation and full body warm up
Goal: ahhh, neural activation and full body warm up
For this today I skipped rope, 30 seconds flat out, 30 seconds very slow, for 3 “rounds”, totaling 3 minutes. (This is soon hard to do after having kids! I make sure my bladder is empty before doing these! TMI? Sorry….
3 minutes (and 19 seconds) of Kettlebell swings
Goal: The “work” part of the workout – metabolic conditioning and
Goal: extend the “work” part of the workout with further metabolic conditioning, while forcing active recovery.
This one was the most elective of all of them, and would be the first to go if I wanted to shorten it further, but I wasn’t happy with my swings performance, so decided to add this in.
You can maintain tension on your shoulder blades by never returning the bands all the
way in, or you can go all the way in all the way out, play with it.
Goal: try and counter the day’s sitting by working some volume in to my upper back, specifically aiming at rear delts and mid trap.
You can mix up the focus of this and add in other muscles by adjusting hand position and arm angle, but assuming you are doing these with your arms straight out in front of you, this is what is going to be getting the bulk of the loading.
This is a phenomenally useful exercise and I highly recommend you start asap. They can be done throughout the day or at the end of workouts, and intensity can be modified by adjusting your hand position on the band and the band tension.
Great for posture.

Originally Published on: Aug 21, 2011 @ 11:04