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Do You Know The Best Way To Build Healthy Bones?

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Helping build healthy bones is an important job that we all should know how to do.

Children build half of their bone mass during adolescence and reach their peak bone mass by age twenty. The three most important factors for building healthy, strong bones in children are:

  1. Calcium, 
  1. Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, and supplementation
  1. Weight bearing exercise

Poor nutrition, lack of outdoor activities and lack of exercise have health experts very concerned as cases of Rickets in are rising fast in American children.  Rickets is a childhood bone disease that is typically seen only in third world developing countries.  It causes the bones to ache and to become deformed starting at a young age.
According to Dr. James Beaty, President of the American Academy of Orthopedic  Surgeons,  “There’s some early data showing that even a 10 percent deficit in your bone mass when you finish your adolescent years can increase your potential risk of having osteoporosis and fractures as much as 50 percent”.
When it comes to Americans, the experts believe that poor nutrition combined with too much TV, internet and computer game time is an issue that we need to address immediately.  “This potentially is a time-bomb,” says Dr. Laura Tosi, bone health chief at Children’s National Medical Centre in Washington D.C.
What’s the solution?  Good nutrition through healthy diet plans, sunshine, supplementation and exercise! 

Athletic greens is also a great source of vitamins including vitamin D that could be added to your diet plans. It shouldn’t substitute for proper nutrition but it can be a quick and easy way to get your greens and it tastes fantastic. Throw a tablespoon in your to go cup with water and head outside for a 10 min walk before going to work would cover all the bases… Good nutrition, sunshine and exercise! 

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, on Facebook or Twitter.

Have a healthy, happy day!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

What Are The Benefits Of Almonds?

Almonds are one of the most famous nuts due to
its nutritional value. Raw almonds are a an excellent source for vitamins and minerals, and this makes it easy to beat others. Other
nuts contain two or three nutrients, whereby almonds have four times the
nutritional value
Protein is a basic
necessity to survive, that is a reality. Almonds provide almost 9 essential amino acids that are used to
build protein ligaments. 
Being an immense source of amino acids, it is
considered significant.  
It is known to fight against the harmful disease due to the vitamin E content. It’s a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E is necessary to maintain skin
consistency and health. 
Healthy bones and teeth are
maintained by the Manganese content of almonds. Being rich in Magnesium, it helps
to regulate cholesterol levels and blood
The fibre content is around 12.2 g the in 100 g of almonds is helpful
in maintaining proper digestion.

Almonds are also a good source of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and
Vitamin B9. The amount of Iron, Potassium, Zinc and Copper is enough to make
almonds a true nutritional gem. 

From various products of almonds like almond
milk and butter one can draw good amounts of calories.  I regularly eat either a stick of celery or apple slices with almond butter for a healthy snack. This valuable nut
contains great quality of Omega 6 fatty acids, which have an extensive range of
fitness benefits. 
Overall almonds are considered as an absolute
powerhouse in providing a great range of nutrients and maintaining healthy
For more energy and another healthy snack, drink this!
Have a happy, healthy day!
4 Hour BODY Girl,
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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