Search Results for: build healthy

What Exactly Is An Air Squat Anyway?

What Exactly Is An Air Squat Anyway? |

What Exactly Is An Air Squat Anyway?

What if a brief exercise of 60-90 seconds, made it less likely that this dessert would get stored as body fat? That is exactly one of the things Tim Ferriss explores in The 4-Hour cream |

He recommends Air Squats, Wall Presses, and Chest Pulls. I had to look up Air squats on line. Then I got to the chapter where he demonstrates the moves. So I’ve been doing 30 in a row, about an hour after I eat. I think this is right.  I’ve been doing them while I wait for things. Water to boil, brushing my teeth, etc.

What air squats do is they essentially fix your lower body… the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and internal thighs. These babies are powerful! In light of the fact that the scope of movement is much more profound than with the run of the mill squat. It likewise fixes your core, particularly the lower abs, plus it raises your heart rate.

I haven’t been as consistent with the Wall Presses and I haven’t done any Chest Pulls yet.

I need to re-read this to make sure I’ve got the timing, and reps right.

8 Benefits of Squats:

  1. Builds Muscle in Your Entire Body 
  2. Functional Exercise Makes Real-Life Activities Easier
  3. Burn More Fat
  4. Maintain Mobility and Balance
  5. Prevent Injuries
  6. Boost Your Sports Performance — Jump Higher and Run Faster
  7. Tone Your Backside, Abs and Entire Body
  8. Help with Waste Removal

Here’s a photo to demonstrate and I’ll put the description below.

Courtesy of

Here’ how to do them properly & to gain the biggest 

Step 1:

Stand with your feet hip-width separated with your toes pointed marginally outward. Your arms ought to be hanging free close by. At that point connect with your center muscles and push out your mid-section marginally by pulling your shoulder bones towards one another.

Step 2:

Have your knees bent to as close to 90 degrees as possible, and push your butt and your hips out and down behind you as though you were sitting into a seat. Keep your weight on your heels and ensure your knees are over your toes, however not past them.

Step 3:

Descend until your thighs are beneath parallel to the ground, or as far down as you can get them. You want  your knees to stay remotely pivoted (don’t give them a chance to point inward). As you let down, bring your arms up before you no higher than parallel to the ground. Make a point to keep your middle upright.

Step 4:

Straighten your legs and squeeze your butt to come back up, lowering your arms back to your side

 There you go easy peasy! Now do 30!

For more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!

Please comment below, share on Facebook or Twitter.

Here’s to your Health, Wealth, & Happiness! 

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The Liebster Award

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liebster-award13 |

I was so excited when I found out I was being nominated for the Liebster Award by Denise and Sharleen over at Curio! These ladies are all about finding the beauty in everything. How nice is that? Their DIY projects look tasteful, easy and fun. Check out some of them here. How cute are these Halloween Mummy Cocktail Glasses?

mummy_glasses |

Photo Courtesy Of

The Liebster award is nominated to new bloggers, by other bloggers. It helps us support each other and virtually meet in our blogging community. Although I’ve had my blog up for about 5 years, I did’t really start focusing on it until January 2015. It took me 6 months to put together the website and I launched in June. So I’ve only been really dedicated and consistent with it for about 5 months now. I’m figuring it out as I go along and am realizing how it’s all about community and supporting each other, which is perfect for me because I love that!

Thank you for nominating me Denise and Sharleen! 

The Liebster Award has some rules…

Post your award to the blog.
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog.
Answer the questions you were given by the person who nominated you.
Nominate a small group of other bloggers you’ve recently discovered.
Create 10 new questions for the nominees to answer. 

Here are the Questions & Answers From Denise and Sharleen To Me…

Q:Where do you draw your inspiration for your blog?

A: I get inspiration from everywhere. Taking to friends, family, cookbooks, other blogs, Pinterest, and just going along my journey. For example, I created a video about how to create an image grid using Pagebuilder because I was searching for months for a solution and couldn’t find it anywhere on the web. I actually created it to delegate the task to my virtual assistant, but then it became content. I also love Pinterest. I’m on there every day. I see recipes I like and then re-create them as a Low Carb version that is easy and delicious like this Almond Crusted Calamari. I love to cook and I love health.

Q: What would be your #1 piece of advise for someone just starting out in blogging?

A: Create a Buyers persona so you know who you’re talking to. Especially if you want to monetize your blog. Figure out who you’re talking to. Be original, which is natural because you’re already unique. Plan. Having a plan is essential otherwise you’re just spinning your wheels. Don’t worry about being perfect, just do your best. Finally, be social and support others

Q: What is your most successful social media outlet for promoting your blog and why?

A: I think Facebook is at the moment but Pinterest is great too. I’ve found some great groups on FB and created some of my own that are helping to grow traffic and make these types of connections. I’m connecting with some great bloggers and we are having discussions around how we can collaborate and start helping each other grow. It’s really cool and exciting!

Q:Would you rather go camping or stay in a 5 star hotel?

A: I’ve been wanting to go camping for a while now and keep saying I’m going to go, but haven’t been camping since I lived in Hawaii in 1994. I’ve been staying in many 5 star hotels around the world since then, so I guess my long-winded answer would be 5 star hotel.

Q:Other than your computer, what would you say is the most important tool you use while creating your blog posts?

A: I would have to say my camera. I’m addicted to taking photos. I’m learning more everyday about how to use it and how to take great photos.

Q:What’s your favorite book?

A: That’s a tough one. I always only read non-fiction. I would say “Think And Grow Rich” had the biggest impact on my life. It was one of the first my Dad recommended to me to read and it changed my way of thinking about wealth. I’ve been meaning to read it again actually.

Q:Who is someone you really admire and why?

A: Another tough one. Oprah is really inspiring to me. I love how her mind works, her story of where she came from, her journey of what she overcame and how she has created, moved, touched, inspired and shared so much. 

Q:What is your most popular post? [Read more…]

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