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15 Different Foods For Building Muscle by Mike Roussell, Ph.D.

Are you ready to learn the best healthy recipes to build muscle? We have gathered the best tips here at 4HourBody Girl.

If you choose the right diet plans you can do anything and everything. (Tweet this)

Many people wonder how the can truly build muscle fast and without having to use items such as whey protein or even spend endless hours in the gym. We have fathered a few items that will help you build muscle, according to the specialist Mike Russell. Keep on reading and find out what items will be able to make your healthy recipes useful for all of your goals.
You are what you eat, this is also true if you are trying to build muscle. (Tweet this)
There are numerous types of diet plans that you can use as a strategy to easily get muscle. You do not necessarily need to use whey protein or even any other products to gain muscle faster
You can change your diet plans but always keep your health in first place, whether you want muscle or not.(Tweet this)

Are you ready to learn more about the foods that can give you muscle fast? You will see that you will not need to suffer while changing your diet plans to get more muscle.

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  1. Mackerel

From the same family of tuna, this fish contains tons of omega-3 which helps your body with training.. Mackerel also has  nutrients such as zinc that helps keep testosterone levels always high.


Perfect for your healthy dinner recipes beets contain nitrates that can increase vasodilation and improve performance while exercising. If you eat two medium beets an hour  prior to exercise you will be able to have improved performance, reduce the levels of exertion, and also decrease the levels of oxygen that someone needs to exercise.

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3 Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has twice as much protein that your average yogurt. This is simply awesome for those who need to gain muscle. Just make sure you get a healthy product that does not get any thickeners.

4 Sardines
Tuna can be the perfect item for your healthy dinner recipes. It is very popular for a very good reason, especially when we think about muscle building. Like tuna, sardines come in canes and are ready to eat; they are nicer because they come in delicious and nutritive olive oil, instead of some yuck vegetal oil like other canned fish. They have mercury, omega-3 and other important nutrients for your body.

5 Kimchi
This traditional Korean is made out of fermented napa cabbage, onions, garlic, and spices, and thanks to the fact that it is fermented users are able to get useful bacteria that help with digestion and other nutrients and their absorption. This is the perfect side dish for your healthy dinner recipes.

6 Chocolate Milk
Delicious for any after workout, chocolate milk has both whey and casein, which are rich proteins that help your body build muscle much faster. It is also good to make muscle glycogen go stable again. This is a great friend for those who are on a protein diet as well.

7 Almonds
Almonds have proteins and very good fats for your body. They are also very high in vitamin E (alpha tocopherol. They are also rich in vitamin B, which is a great alley when it comes to energy. This is the perfect friend for those who want a protein diet.

8 Vinegar
Vinegar is able to send the right nutrients straight to your muscle and far away from your cells.

9 Avocado
Thanks to the several different nutrients that avocado has it is the perfect addition to your lean-mass diet plans. With over 20 different nutrients and tons of fiber it is perfect for your workout sessions.

10 Pea Protein
If you are also interested in a protein diet then this is an awesome ingredient for your healthy recipes.  This is a great protein source and it is very important for you to get protein from different sources and not only your whey (because you can develop allergies if you use whey too much). The pea protein is highly digestible.

11 Raspberries
These little guys are perfect to improve digestive health so your body will get the best out of everything you eat. They also have a high amount of fiber that helps your workout sessions. They also contain the important anthocyanin antioxidant.

12 Kefir
You should definitely add this to your healthy breakfast recipes ! Kefir is the right drink for those who are lactose intolerant and together with perfect probiotics and peptides, it allows your body to produce muscle building substances. It will also help your immune system to remain strong, so you can continue to work out.

13 Lentils
These are perfect for your healthy dinner recipes book because they have tons of fiber, protein and slow digesting carbs.  

14 Broccoli
You can add this great ingredient to your healthy dinner recipes as well. They are able to reduce estrogen and also contain several different antioxidants.

15 Quinoa
Filled with carbohydrate for muscle-building also offers different advantages such as protein, zinc and magnesium, which are awesome for the health as a whole.

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How Weight Loss Diets May Help You More Than You Think…

A lot of people are fed up by their excessive weight. So they are searching for a hasty weight loss methods that will trim down the fat and offer a slim body. A weight loss diet is often
considered an effective way to trim down and feel your best.
How could weight loss diets help you? Here is How Weight Loss Diets May Help You More Than You Think…
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Quick weight loss diets are well-liked because they are a guarantee to rapid weight loss with small efforts. Weight loss procedures are
not appropriate for all people and may be dangerous sometime, because with any surgery there is a risk. The key is to
find a healthy diet plan that stresses on his/her healthy eating overall as compare to limitations on the quantity food. Here a small number of helpful hints will help you to choose a diet plan that will fit your lifestyle best. (Tweet This)

Being in good physical shape is most important – Weight loss diets are safe way to loose weight. A secure healthy diet should consist of all the daily recommended nutrients,
protein and fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. If you are not following
nutritional guidelines or not eating proper nutrient food then malnourishment may
take place.
Get sufficient calories – Eat nutrient dense foods- that will provide you energy. Get enough calories for your body otherwise you have to face health hazards. If your calories are less
than 1,000 per day for woman and 1,600 per day for men, you will face
irreversible effects to your body. Cutting your calories too low can cause your
metabolism to malfunction amongst other things. Start thinking of your body as a machine that you need to fuel instead of just eating because you’re hungry. (Tweet This)
Eating vegetables
and fruits
– your diet should include fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide
numerous minerals, vitamins and fibre which are necessary for best health. Although, the 4-Hour BODY slow carb diet suggests not to include fruit in the initial quick weight loss, I still included berries in my protein shakes and an orange at night to cut fat. You will lose fat faster if you eliminate fruit during that phase and add it back into your diet once you’re in the maintenance phase. 
Low fat material – Low fat diets consist of eliminating most fats in the diet. The body needs fat every day to function properly. Choose good fats. Do not limit Omega 3 fats, if you are not eating proper fats, but eating unhealthy fats like deep fried foods, fatty processed meats, lots of margarine, etc., it may lead heart disease, blood pressure and some more undesirable outcomes. Some good fats are Omega 3 fatty acids, avocado, coconut, olive, nut oils, and pure butter, which has omega 6. Butter is the only one that should really be limited.
Take dairy products-
but should be in accurate amount:
  It is not recommended in the slow carb diet  to eat any dairy to lose weight fast, except on your cheat day.  Many other healthy diet plans tell you that low fat dairy foods are really good to lose weight, but take in proper amount because
they provide necessary acids and nutrients to our body. Milk is calcium rich
product-used to make strong the bones. Researchers say that by eating foods
such as milk, cheese, and yogurt can slow the creation of fat cells and
increase the metabolism. I eat full fat dairy when I’m in the maintain phase but cut it out completely when I want to lose weight fast.
Eat meat in your diet – or take a
few proteins driven food. It (Protein) helps body to build and mend tissue and
strength, create hormones and other very important functions all over the body.
Remember although, too much animal protein can damage some of our very
important organs, plus the body can only absorb so much at one time. A easy way to measure how much lean meat/protein you need in each meal is to measure the size against the size of your palm. The circumference and thickness of your palm should match the circumference and thickness of the amount of protein you need in one meal.

Make sure to investigate the diet plan you prefer before deciding on any diet. When you are trying any of these extra fast weight loss diets, it is extremely essential to visit your physician before you start and regularly so that you can make a plan for healthy sufficient diet in your daily routine and to help keep you on point.
Are you looking for healthy recipes, you can find it here. or for more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!

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Have a healthy, happy day,
Your 4-Hour BODY Girl 
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