Search Results for: diet plan

The Only Thing About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work

Eggs in the Metal Basket |
Are you following the 4 Hour Body or another slow carb/low carb eating plan? If so, here is The Only Thing About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work that I have found 
Cobb salad | 
If you you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that I started the Slow Carb diet according to Tim Ferriss’s  4Hour Body, in December. I committed to doing it for 60 days. I loved it so much I couldn’t go back to the way I was eating before. I had so much energy, was feeling strong, and lost 10 pounds of fat in those 60 days and I have continued to lower my BMI ever since. The only thing is; I developed an allergy to the things I was eating the most; eggs. This in my opinion, is The Only Thing About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work!
Tim says to eat the same foods over and over again so you don’t fall off the program, but for me, I need variety or it wouldn’t work. So, I modified it, using the foods he suggested, but making each meal as different as possible. The only thing I did eat every single day, were eggs.
Now if it were only me finding out I was allergic to the thing I was eating the most, I would think it was a fluke perhaps. But my husband developed severe allergies to all of the foods he was eating the most of, on the plan as well. He was eating about 30 eggs per week, beef at least 3 to 5 times per week, Almonds by the handfulls every day, and guacamole every day, because Tim suggested eating the same things over and over again to keep it simple. My husband couldn’t breath, his allergies were so bad. He went for test after test. Doctors put him on steroids, antihistamine and an asthma inhaler. He finally had blood-drawn allergy test done and found out he was allergic to all the foods he was eating the most of. After one day of eliminating all of the foods he is allergic to, he stopped having to use steroids, antihistamine and the asthma inhaler.
Do you think it was just a coincidence? Would love to hear your opinions about anything you’ve found About The 4 Hour Body Diet That Doesn’t Work.
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

3 Big Fitness Myths

3 Big Fitness Myths

3 Big Fitness Myths |
Keeping the body and mind fit and healthy is a basic necessity for people around us. Most of the people  look for simple and easy fitness strategies on the journey to wellness. By doing so, they easily become prey to false fitness myths. Such false fitness infomercials do not offer any real benefit. One should be cautious of these fake agreements that fitness companies offer. It is advised to keep faith in yourself and your potential to recognize what’s finest for your mind and body. Here are 3 Big Fitness Myths to watch out for:

#1 of the 3 Big Fitness Myths – Fitness Chair

A few companies claim that you can lose weight very simply by sitting on the chairs. These products claim that one can slide, twist and rock off the excess fat without getting up from the chairs. The Hawaii chair is one of the known products with a swiveling base that is supposed to tighten your abdominal muscles while sitting on it. Sadly the consequences show that it is impossible to shed off fat just by sitting on a chair. What they don’t tell you is that you have to follow a diet plan accompanied with the exercise on the chair. I always say, 80% diet, 20% exercise and you see it over and over again. 
3 Big Fitness Myths |

#2 of the 3 Big Fitness Myths – Slimming vibrating devices

Today everyone wants to have a slim and fit body but not everyone wants to do the work for it or can be disciplined enough to achieve it. Because of this, they go for the quick fix. They do believe others for their tricks and suggestions. There are a variety of these types of false vibrating slimming devices  available on the market. These vibrating belts are found worthless after using for some time. Along with that, people do believe some myths like the use of vibrating dumbbells as some slimming devices.  Hence, the shake weight. To me, this is the funniest one on the market. I’m sure you could build muscle if you used it everyday, but again, they include a diet plan to follow to achieve maximum results. These do nothing, even after a long use, unless you follow the diet as well. The fat accumulated in the body can be shed off only after following the diet and probably about 45 min. per day of physical exercise only.People also, believe that electronic abdominal belts are able to provide a type of shock therapy to contract your abdominal muscles powerfully. Myths like these natural health products are found worthless over and over again by many customers. After spending a lot of money, many of us found nil results. The shock therapy is a fail in muscular ailments. At the end it remains a myth in melting body fat and building up more muscles. Please be aware that time and time again, it is always the same thing. Exercise and watch what you eat. There are no quick easy fixes.

#3 of the 3 Big Fitness Myths – 6-Slimming pills and powders

Many women strive to stay young and desire to be sexier and fitter. For this purpose, some may adopt  pills and medicines to shed the weight fast. The easily available slimming pills and fat melting pills have hardly hardly been approved by the USDA. The claims of such drugs are not verified. They can be dangerous and are not the healthiest option. Why risk it? Again, exercise and eating the right diet is the best method to shed off the excess body fat. There are so many celebrities who endorsed such pills and powders at reasonable prices, and people just go for all these without even thinking about the truth behind it. Many of these celebrities are not even endorsing them but are used by marketers, illegally to make it seem like they are credible. Be careful when ordering these and check with your doctor or better yet, naturopath, before you waste your money.Have you ever bought or used one of these 3 Big Fitness Myths and had success? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.
Here’s to your health, wealth and happiness!Your 4-hour Body Girl,Heather

 Originally Published on: Jun 26, 2014 @ 09:52

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