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Low Carb Frozen Chocolate Banana Nut Drops

frozen banana nut chocolate drops |

frozen banana nut chocolate drops |

I was inspired to create these Low Carb Frozen Chocolate Banana Nut Drops by those little baby food yogurt drops my toddler loves. These are easy and can be kinda fancy if you use the right tools. These could be a little addicting, but try to control yourself if you’re to eat these during your 4-Hour BODY diet.

Fruit isn’t on the list of things to eat if you are following the diet closely to lose weight, so you may want to save these for your cheat day, but if you’re dying to have something sweet, one of these could satisfy your craving and not be too damaging. Juuuust so you know…. dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, bananas are full of potassium, and Tim Ferriss says a handful of nuts (especially almonds) are okay to eat during the 6 days on the diet, but just to limit them. If you want to add a little of your favourite (chocolate) protein powder to the “mash” it would probably up your game even more.

mashed banana

This is banana chocolate dreamland. How can it not be addicting when it starts with mashed bananas, gooey nut butter, squeezed into bite sized drops and then covered in rich dark chocolate, and is then topped with sweet coconut or more chopped nuts. When you freeze all of that together, something amazing happens and it’s going to make you the most popular person this labor day. [Read more…]

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

Low Carb Berry Almond Crumble

Low Carb Berry Cobbler |

Low Carb Berry Crumble Dessert |

Sometimes you just HAVE to have something sweet! When I was on the 4 hour body diet, I was craving all sorts of things, and when I did, I would write it down in my notes under “Things to eat on my cheat day”, but sometimes the cravings can be so overwhelming that you just have to have that fix. Instead of grabbing some quick, over processed, overly sweet dessert, I urge you to create this Low Carb Berry Almond Crumble instead. Not only will it satisfy your sweet tooth, it will keep you somewhat on track because it is healthy.

I am a die hard berry crisp fan, especially this version. It’s full of antioxidants, held together by that textured, nutty almond meal( ♡ ) instead of white flours and stevia instead of sugar so it won’t spike your insulin levels and you can feel good about eating this even though it’s not your cheat day. If you are really serious about losing the weight, stick to your greens, legumes and proteins but if you just can’t wait, this is a great option because it won’t do too much damage.

Mixed berries in bowl |

This dish is fairly easy and quick to whip up. The chia seeds act as a thickener instead of flour, tapioca or corn starch that most cobblers call for so again, you can feel good about not spiking your insulin levels and chia seeds are a super food, full of health qualities yet virtually flavourless and you won’t notice the texture among the berries. [Read more…]

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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