Search Results for: diet plan

Can You Shape Up Your Body With A Slow Carb Diet?

Being a woman has never been more
difficult with all the hype given to a ‘size zero’ figure. Celebrities revealing
their secret diet plan over magazines, blogs or television shows are very
common these days. But what suits them may not suit all women. The slow carb diets may help you lose unwanted fat from your body, tone your figure and get
that perfect look. But for that you need to know what slow carb diet means and
how it can help you.
Slow carb foods consist of right
type of carbohydrates. Spinach, broccoli, kale, celery, radishes, asparagus, brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc. are all rich in carbohydrates. There are some really good food supplements
that offer similar nutrition to your body, available in the market as well. Athletic Greens is the one I take. I find that it tastes the best (like dark chocolate) and gives me instant energy, as though I was drinking a fresh pressed juice from my juicer. Without the mess and for less money (about $2) I get the same, if not better benefits from Athletic Greens. 

However, you may not receive
expected result if you are only concentrating on the diet without putting in
any effort for exercise. Proper exercise, balanced food habit and sufficient
rest are the only way to lead a healthy life. Whether you are a working women
or a house-wife, a good food habit along with a little exercise is all you need
to keep your youth and vigor intact.

We don’t have to aim for size 0. Aim for ultimate health and you’ll feel great about yourself. I know I do.

Have a happy, healthy day,

The 4hourbody girl.

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

What are the Benefits of Slow Carb Diet? It’s the Freedom to Live…

People often confuse the term
‘dieting’ with ‘crash dieting’ which according to them refers to least food
consumption in order to gain a slender body. However, the effect of such
harmful diet is visible through people looking paler, skeleton-like day by day.
That is definitely not what you want for yourself if you are smart. Most women
now prefer slow carb diet as it does not compel them to skip meals or make them
look sick. Lots of vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lentils, kale,
collard vegetables, etc. can all pass for slow carb food. You can
also see the available food supplements by clicking the following link.

It is necessary that you follow a
diet that suits your daily routine
. If you are working or a new mother, your
fitness routine should be lighter. However, make sure to drink sufficient amount of
water every day to keep your metabolism rate high. Over-consumption of animal based protein isn’t necessary Your body can only process so much. For portion control, make what ever protein your eating, about the size of your palm for each meal or snack.

Weight bearing exercise is best for strong bones. Also, plant-based
calcium like broccoli, kale, beans etc. would benefit your body as well. Finally, it is
always better to eat fresh rather than preservative-filled, packaged food. Read labels carefully. If you can’t pronounce it, or you don’t know what it is; chances are your body won’t know how to process it.

Gaining control of your weight, and being the healthiest you can be, gives you the most energy, thus having the freedom to live your best life.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section and please share this with your friends.

Have a happy, healthy day!
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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