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How to Make Your Diet Work For You

How do you make your diet work for you?
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What’s the secret of a good diet plan?
No, we will not tell you to stop
eating and just exercise all day long, instead 4HourBody Girl will give you
loss tips

Finally, after a few days of
gathering information we wrote this post to help our dear readers on their own
weight loss programs !

It might be quite difficult to see
whether or not your
diet plans are truly going to
work out for you. There are so many different rules, weird foods and the
frustration of not being able to eat what you love to eat. Well, a diet is
always worth its price, but will it work out or not? Well, it only depends on
YOU! You are the one who can make your diet actually work.

Keep on reading and find the best weight loss tips

There is no such thing as a diet that
does not work! 
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Here are some tips that can help you make
your living hell into something much more pleasant and how
to make your
diet plans really work.

How to Make Your diet plans Truly Work
1. Diets only work when you follow them
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You see your friends on a diet and they soon
get results, however when you are in their place you do not feel the results
coming that fast and you wonder “
how do I lose weight fast?”. This is natural and in order to
avoid all the stress and anxiety here are a few tips for you!
·       Your diet
will work as long as you follow the rules.
·       The
results take time, and you see yourself differently! That is why it is so hard
to feel all the changes.
·       Never
give up!

Know how to control your

·       It might
be hard, however all things comes with time; weight loss is no exception. 
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·       You can
do anything, as long as you do not give up! 
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·       Your
emotions rule you. It might be very hard to be away from all your favorite
foods and not feel the results, however if you give it up you will never feel
what a diet can truly provide you. 
·       Think
about the final results and not the step by step. 
Emotions You Should Focus On
Who said you should completely ignore your
feelings? Your emotions are good and they should be used in your favor. It is
common to feel down at times, however you should always see life and your diet
in the brightest way possible.
Make sure you focus on the positive feelings
rather than the bad ones. Feeling motivated is what makes all
diet plans truly
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Focus more on:

·       Your
·       Your main
·       Praising
your every victory
·       Every
pound lost
·       The happy
moments of life
·       The great
advantages of your diet
·       The
Your health makes any diet worth it. (Tweet this)
Any diet that brings real benefits for your
mind and body are worth it. 
Have your family, friends and even
co-workers help you with your diet! This will make you feel supported and make
things much easier. 
You chose a diet because you were unhappy
with your body or even had issues with your health, this is enough reason to
follow your
diet plans correctly. 

Here are a few more ways on how to deal with
a diet in the best way possible.

·       Do not
give up, even when temptation to run away from your diet is too much.
·       You are
special, you are worth it! If you do not believe you can overcome the hard
moments then no one will. 
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Don’t be afraid to share your fears and
thoughts on the topic. Join 4HourBody Girl on 
Facebook or Twitter.
Now that you know some awesome tips on how to make your diet plans truly work, tell
us what you do to make your diet work in your very own way! We are more than
happy to read your thoughts and tips in the comments below!

Have a healthy, happy day,

Your 4-Hour BODY Girl 

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

How Weight Loss Diets May Help You More Than You Think…

A lot of people are fed up by their excessive weight. So they are searching for a hasty weight loss methods that will trim down the fat and offer a slim body. A weight loss diet is often
considered an effective way to trim down and feel your best.
How could weight loss diets help you? Here is How Weight Loss Diets May Help You More Than You Think…
Lemon in water |
Quick weight loss diets are well-liked because they are a guarantee to rapid weight loss with small efforts. Weight loss procedures are
not appropriate for all people and may be dangerous sometime, because with any surgery there is a risk. The key is to
find a healthy diet plan that stresses on his/her healthy eating overall as compare to limitations on the quantity food. Here a small number of helpful hints will help you to choose a diet plan that will fit your lifestyle best. (Tweet This)

Being in good physical shape is most important – Weight loss diets are safe way to loose weight. A secure healthy diet should consist of all the daily recommended nutrients,
protein and fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. If you are not following
nutritional guidelines or not eating proper nutrient food then malnourishment may
take place.
Get sufficient calories – Eat nutrient dense foods- that will provide you energy. Get enough calories for your body otherwise you have to face health hazards. If your calories are less
than 1,000 per day for woman and 1,600 per day for men, you will face
irreversible effects to your body. Cutting your calories too low can cause your
metabolism to malfunction amongst other things. Start thinking of your body as a machine that you need to fuel instead of just eating because you’re hungry. (Tweet This)
Eating vegetables
and fruits
– your diet should include fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide
numerous minerals, vitamins and fibre which are necessary for best health. Although, the 4-Hour BODY slow carb diet suggests not to include fruit in the initial quick weight loss, I still included berries in my protein shakes and an orange at night to cut fat. You will lose fat faster if you eliminate fruit during that phase and add it back into your diet once you’re in the maintenance phase. 
Low fat material – Low fat diets consist of eliminating most fats in the diet. The body needs fat every day to function properly. Choose good fats. Do not limit Omega 3 fats, if you are not eating proper fats, but eating unhealthy fats like deep fried foods, fatty processed meats, lots of margarine, etc., it may lead heart disease, blood pressure and some more undesirable outcomes. Some good fats are Omega 3 fatty acids, avocado, coconut, olive, nut oils, and pure butter, which has omega 6. Butter is the only one that should really be limited.
Take dairy products-
but should be in accurate amount:
  It is not recommended in the slow carb diet  to eat any dairy to lose weight fast, except on your cheat day.  Many other healthy diet plans tell you that low fat dairy foods are really good to lose weight, but take in proper amount because
they provide necessary acids and nutrients to our body. Milk is calcium rich
product-used to make strong the bones. Researchers say that by eating foods
such as milk, cheese, and yogurt can slow the creation of fat cells and
increase the metabolism. I eat full fat dairy when I’m in the maintain phase but cut it out completely when I want to lose weight fast.
Eat meat in your diet – or take a
few proteins driven food. It (Protein) helps body to build and mend tissue and
strength, create hormones and other very important functions all over the body.
Remember although, too much animal protein can damage some of our very
important organs, plus the body can only absorb so much at one time. A easy way to measure how much lean meat/protein you need in each meal is to measure the size against the size of your palm. The circumference and thickness of your palm should match the circumference and thickness of the amount of protein you need in one meal.

Make sure to investigate the diet plan you prefer before deciding on any diet. When you are trying any of these extra fast weight loss diets, it is extremely essential to visit your physician before you start and regularly so that you can make a plan for healthy sufficient diet in your daily routine and to help keep you on point.
Are you looking for healthy recipes, you can find it here. or for more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!

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Have a healthy, happy day,
Your 4-Hour BODY Girl 
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