Search Results for: vitamin

Superfoods for Healthy and Natural Conception

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about this topic, because I’m now 39 and want to have a family. I have been trying all kinds of things over the years and have done a lot of research. What I’ve found across the board is that super-foods are where it’s at for ultimate health whether you are trying to conceive or not.

In both the
female and male body, the balance of hormones has to be just right for
conception to occur and for pregnancy to proceed. Nutrients that are in excess
or that are in depletion can throw off balance and disrupt the pregnancy
process. When we can choose whole foods for our diet, we are increasing our
chances of obtaining the most nutrients we need. Whole foods include fruits,
fresh vegetables, unrefined grains, beans, nuts, seeds, eggs, and small whole
 It’s important to make sure
you’re choosing healthy whole 
super-foods that have an abundant supply of each
of the following vitamins and minerals.

B-complex vitamins need to be replenished all the time, as they are water
soluble and passed out of the body with urination. Vitamins B6 and B12 are
particularly important for fertility and hormonal function. Fortified cereals,
fortified soy-based meat substitutes, baked potatoes with skin, bananas,
light-meat chicken and turkey, eggs, and spinach are all great sources of B6
and beef, clams, mussels, crabs, salmon, poultry, soybeans, and fortified foods
have healthy amounts of B12.

Folic Acid, also known as folate, is essential for the production of genetic
material in conjunction with vitamin B12. The body cannot store Folic Acid so
it must be replenished regularly. It is found naturally in dark green leafy
vegetables, apricots, avocados, carrots, egg yolks, liver, melons, whole
grains, and yeast’s.

Zinc is an essential component of genetic material and plays an important role
in the fertility of men (affecting sperm count) and women. Zinc is vital to
healthy cell division, so healthy zinc levels are essential at conception. Zinc
occurs naturally in oats, rye, almonds, pumpkin seeds and peas.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) work on every system of the body and are
essential for healthy hormone production. EFA’s can prevent blood from clotting
inappropriately which can be helpful to women who have suffered from recurrent
miscarriages (if clotting was an issue). They are primarily found in fish oils.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Low vitamin E levels can be a
cause for sub-fertility in men and women. Found in wheat germ cereal, sunflower
seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, brown rice, eggs, milk, organ meats,
soy beans and sweet potatoes. Be careful with Vitamin E as well because too much can be harmful.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, helpful to sperm production and may play a role in
healthy ovulation. Vitamin C is essential to the normal healthy functioning of
many systems in the human body. Excellent sources include black currants, raw
red peppers, guavas and citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Other
good sources include strawberries, kiwifruit, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

Iron aids in the production of red blood cells and carries oxygen around our
bodies. The body can lose iron through periods, childbirth or blood loss (including blood donation). Leafy green
vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, poultry, and soy food products are all
good sources of iron.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant essential at conception for the
developing embryo. Natural sources include carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach.
I recommend going to a naturopath to have your levels tested to see what you are deficient in before adding any unnecessary supplements. If you are adding extra natural food to your diet however, there should be no harm in that. 
If you simply do not have the time to be planning and eating perfectly all the time, a great insurance is to supplement with Athletic Greens. They have taken all the high quality super-foods and freeze dried it into a powder. It tastes delicious, gives you the instant energy you would get from a freshly squeezed juice, with no mess, for less than $2 per day. 
Here’s to your health!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

Supplements And Your Health

A lot of people these days are trying to make their health
better.  No matter where you turn,
from TV to newspapers, you’ll see stories about people and how bad their health
actually is.  Even though there are
many different companies out there that offer vitamins and supplements and
claim that they will change your healthy, you’ll need to research what they
offer and sure that you aren’t just wasting your money.
 If you are looking to improve your health, you’ll need to at
many different vitamin supplements to find which ones are the best for
you.  You should look at everything
available, and not just try a few to see what happens.  Having a healthy diet is the ideal place to start, as
it can make the most improvements on your health.  Having a healthy diet can change your body, and make you feel a lot better
as well.
These days, a lot of people eat way too much sweets and
sugar, choosing refined products over healthy food.  Even though it isn’t a bad thing to enjoy sweets and
chocolate occasionally, making a habit out of it, most likely won’t have you achieving your goal of a healthy, fit body.  You can still enjoy your favorite foods as well, although
you should be looking at the healthy benefits of food as well and think of
everything as a whole.
If you include healthy foods such as salads, vegetables, and fruit into your diet, you’ll be eating healthy.  Protein is also beneficial to your health, as it promotes
the growth of your muscle.  Those
of you, who are serious about eating healthy but are unsure where to start,
should contact a nutritionist.  I also offer health coaching. They will be able to tell you where to start, and how to achieve a
healthy diet that will chance your life, and help you achieve your goals if you can’t seem to reach them by yourself.
Even though you may be eating healthy or trying to eat
healthy, you’ll probably find yourself wondering about vitamins and supplements
and how much of an impact they have on your diet.  Dieticians or naturopaths are ideal to consult with these types of
questions, as they can answer any questions relating to vitamins that you
have.  They can also tell you which
supplements are ideal to your health, and which ones you should include in your
diet. The best way is through a blood test to see what you’re actually deficient in. I don’t believe in supplementing with a bunch of pills I don’t need. After having my blood tested, the only supplements I need are vitamin D, Omega 3, and CoQ10. I also take Athletic Greens every day, but that is just freeze-dried fruits and veggies. 
Different people will have different needs and requirements,
making it essential to get advice from a qualified professional.  If you get the advice from a
professional, you’ll know what you can add to your diet.  If you try to do it all yourself
without the advice of a professional, you can end up not getting enough in your
diet, or you could end up taking something that you shouldn’t be taken.
Exercise is also important to your diet and your
health.  Although supplements and
vitamins will go a long way, exercise will do a lot for your body.  If you exercise on a regular basis, and
take the right supplements and vitamins with your healthy diet, you’ll notice that you
have more energy and you feel better than you ever have in your life.

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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