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10 Shortcuts To Keep The Weight Off Forever!

10 Shortcuts To Keep The Weight Off Forever!
10 Shortcuts To Keep The Weight Off Forever!
Did you know that 80% of people who lose weight gain it right back? Here’s what the other 20% know.
Always Eat Breakfast
Try to get more of your food early in the day and less at night. Having protein in your breakfast is an added bonus. Protien builds muscle and muscle burns fat.
Put More Movement In Your Life

Everybody knows that regular, sustained exercise is a must, but the incidental movements in life also add up. Chuck the remote. Make two trips to the laundry room instead of one. Park in a distant corner of the lot. Going to the gym twice a week won’t cure a lifestyle that is sedentary in every other way. The good news: No fancy trainers are required. 

Beware Big Food!
We are portion-control challenged in the USA. Be guided by the number of serving sizes listed on a package. (A Coke has 100 calories per eight-ounce serving, but a 20-ounce bottle contains two and a half servings, or 250 calories; a snack-size bag of 150-calorie-per-serving Cheez Doodles is, believe it or not, two servings.) The best is to avoid any proccessed food whatsoever, but if you must have a fix once per week, pay attention to the serving sizes. 
A trick I use sometimes, is when I eat out, I usually only eat half and take the other half home and freeze it for lunch the following week. Ask for a tak away container before your meal comes to the table and before you start eating put half away.

Keep Track
How often are you working out? What and when did you eat today? I toss my food journals when I’m done, but they keep me aware and conscious. Also, weigh yourself on a regular basis— at least once a week. Take pictures in your bathing suit. There are also a lot of applications on the web, like My fitness Pal, and


Plan For The Rough Patches
Stressful times can trigger you to go back to old habits. So have a strategy in place (call friends, take yoga—anything but food) and write it down. Also, do not keep anything tempting in the house. If you must have that ice cream cone, walk or ride your bike to get it, order a small or kids size, and have it in a cup instead of a cone.


Take Small Steps After a Slip Up
If your weight creeps up, don’t do anything drastic. Cut dessert, skip wine with dinner, take another walk around the block. It’s okay to take baby steps. Remember, it is a life long journey, not a race. This is a way of eating for the rest of your life, not a diet.


Make Special Occasions Count
Before you walk in the door of a restaurant, think, ‘Is this just a meal I don’t want to cook at home, or is it a special occasion? If it’s the first, order a lean protein with no white starchy anything, ask for extra vegitables instead. If it’s the latter, go ahead and indulge, because such moments come only once in a while.

Don’t Wait To Get a Life
I hear people say, “When I lose weight, I’m going to do this or that” or “When I lose weight I am going to start living.” Start doing now what you dream you will do. The rest will follow. You are worthy of a life right now.

Be Consistent
Researchers compared participants who basically followed the same way of eating every day with those who ate more on weekends and holidays than during the week. People in the first group were one and a half times more likely to maintain their weight within five pounds over a year. I watch what I eat 6 days per week and indulge one day per week. Basically, I follow the 4hour body slow carb diet, and I have been consistent with it for almost 1 year year. I love the way it makes me feel, and it works for me. Find what works for you.


Just Know That It Gets Easier
The longer you keep the
weight off, research shows, the less effort it takes.

“Thoughts become words,
words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become character.”
Therefore If your thoughts are about being healthy, you will use words that
descibe health. Those words will lead to healthy activities like the groceries
you buy, the food you order and the fun you have with friends. After a while it
all becomes normal for you. It automatically becomes your habit to be healthy.
You just are; no effort required!


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