Search Results for: vitamin

Could Watermelon Juice Be The New Coconut Water?


watermelon juice with coconutMy Prediction is that the next big drink craze to take off like coconut water will be watermelon juice as a post workout drink. I’m hearing more and more about this fruit and how beneficial it is. I always thought there wasn’t too much to watermelon but I’m starting to think differently now. It helps you sleep, it staves off migraine headaches, and it helps you stay skinny. Studies show that women who ate it, lost 33% more weight int he first 6 months, than women on a low fat diet. It is full of vitamins such as A & C as well as an amazing antioxidant called glutathione. This powerful antioxidant helps strengthen the immune system and antioxidants also help with aging. You heard it here first folks…Watermelon is the new Coconut water.
Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments below.

Want to make your own post workout watermelon drink?


Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

What’s The Trick For Staying Healthy And Fit? Eating Clean

Eating clean is very important to me. Every day, I make sure I add as many good quality, nutrient rich foods to my diet. Everything I hear or read about that the experts say makes you live longer or make you healthier, I do my best to add. Things like cinnamon, chia seeds, turmeric, G-BOMBS, nuts, fish, Athletic Greens of course etc. I sneak them in wherever  can, as long as they taste good. I’m big on taste and do not like to waste calories on food that doesn’t taste good.

I eat full fat dairy, because I find it’s more satiating so I eat less of it. I eat real butter, and very little processed foods. I look for whole, natural ingredients and believe my body can metabolize these nutrients easily, which in turn makes me healthy, look good and feel good. 
I make sure that I take Vitamin D, omega 3’s with at least 600 DHA, Enzyme Q 10, every day. I was tested to see which vitamins I was deficient in before taking random supplements, and found out that because my diet is so good and my body is able to absorb the nutrients, I was only deficient in Vitamin D and my iron was a little bit low. 
I find that when I fill my day with trying to “get in” as many healthy foods as I can, I just don’t have room for crappy foods. 
That’s my trick. What’s your trick for staying healthy? Please share your comments. Your tip could help someone else reading this.
Have a happy, healthy day!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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