Search Results for: vitamin

Looking For A Natural Way To Cover Your Nutritional Needs?

You have probably already seen the many
products on the market that claim to boost
your health
and performance. But to achieve both, what you really need is a completely natural product.
One product that can achieve this isAthletic Greens. That is because it is a 100%
natural product
. It is designed for active, healthy people just like you.
Perfect for having that active lifestyle, while at the same time improving your overall health too.
You are probably wondering what health
benefits this amazing product provides. As you can expect with a product of
this type it will give you energy.
The difference is that this energy is being provided by natural super foods.
But that energy is immediately absorbed
into the body for that maximum impact.
As a health conscious person you are
also looking for a product that promotes health. With Athletic Greens you will
be getting more than 70 essential whole
food ingredients
everyday. You will also be getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that you body needs for an
active healthy lifestyle.
As you can imagine, a lot of research has gone into the creation of Athletic Greens. Finding what nature has to offer
the body in terms of healthy nutrition and of course maximizing performance.
While Athletic Greens is premium
Superfood cocktail like no other product you have tried. It also has an
emphasis on simplicity too. Providing
you with everything that you body needs in just 27 seconds.
Another great thing about Athletic
Greens is it can literally save you
hundreds of dollars
. Just imagine for a moment trying to find all the
supplements and whole foods that Athletic Greens provides you. Quite literally,
you would need to buy many supplements to do this. In actual fact you would
need to purchase $2000 worth of products. But with Athletic Greens you would
only pay a small fraction of that.
people, just like you, are taking Athletic Greens
. They have had such
fantastic results that now use it as their daily nutrition. Just imagine how much
healthier it would be for you compared to those many other products you have
tried? You will find that this is one of
the simplest, healthiest more effective forms of nutrition that you could find

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

Grocery Shopping List For Ultimate Health

Eggs in the Metal Basket |

Vegetables Greens – Organic Spinach, kale bok choi, broccoli are great examples. These are the king of all veggies. Eat as many of these as you can every day. I add spinach or kale to my smoothie in the morning and I add Athletic Greens.

Root Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips will fill you up.  Choose these over bread, but limit them and if you are in the losing weight fast phase, I would not eat them at all. Add these back to your diet once you are in a maintain phase of your weight.

Beans and Lentils, like black, pinto, kidney beans and red, green and black lentils are a great choice for filling you up and keeping you satisfied when you want to lose weight fast. Add these to every meal instead of root vegetables.

Meat & Fish that are organic grass fed, & wild caught fish are perfect for keeping and growing muscle. If you are vegetarian, make sure you eat tofu, spirulina and molasses (for iron). Spirulina has gram for gram as much protein as steak!


MilkThis |“Dairy”is in quotations because you do not only have to drink cow’s milk. I switch it up. I buy them all.  I buy whole, homogenized, organic cow’s milk. I drink that first since it expired first. Then I open one milk at a time. Almond, Rice, Soy, Coconut, etc. These are staples when maintaining, but for losing weight fast, use water instead and add a liquid calcium to your smoothy.
Eggs – Eat the yolk! The yolk has all of the nutrients.

Grains such as Millet, Quinoa, Brown rice, Amaranth are all gluten free. I use these daily when maintaining my healthy weight, but when I want to lose weight fast I replace these with beans and only eat them once per week.

Fats are so important for losing and maintaing a healthy weight. It helps your body process everything.
Just make sure it’s healthy fats. Coconut oil, Ghee, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Almond butter, and Avocados are the fast I eat regularly. I actually use real butter too, but I focus on the healthier fats.

Extras that are good to have and give you a nutritional boost are Apple Cider Vinegar – good for the gut
Nutritional yeast – great cheese substitute,
For your sweet tooth use raw honey. It has vitamins and minerals that you won’t get from sugar.

Root Vegetables
Beans and Lentils
Organic grain or grass fed meat
Wild caught fish (Fresh or canned)
Milk – Cow, Almond, Rice, Soy, or Coconut
Millet, Quinoa, Brown rice, Amaranth (All gluten free)
Coconut oil, Ghee, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Almond butter
Apple Cider Vinegar – good for the gut
Nutritional yeast – great cheese substitute
Spirulina – gram for gram has more protein than steak!
Raw Honey

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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