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4 Ways To Alter Your Diet Plans To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Would You Like To Alter Your Diet Plans To Speed Up Your Metabolism?
Here are 4 ways to do it…

Did you know that YOU can change your metabolism? (Tweet This)
Your metabolism does not only rely on your healthy recipes or even diet plans to function better. Apart from genetics and your schedule, there are other things that can influence your metabolism for the worse or for the better. We at 4HourBody Girl would like you to have the best results and that is why we have created this post that gives you 4 easy and simple ways to make your metabolism work the way it should: faster!

1 Don’t have diet plans that are way
too strict!

Your diet plans should include healthy recipes and not just a bunch of NO’s. If you are way too strict on your diet you will notice that you will not be able to lose weight and will definitely keep asking yourself how to lose weight fast just like all of your friends. Well, if you eat too little, your metabolism will slow down and will not burn the calories because it will be afraid of simply not having anything else to burn. You should eat healthy snacks every couple of hours. This is definitely the best way to lose weight in a healthy way!

2 Go for a slow carbdiet! Well, the good carbs that is!
Refined carbs, such as everything that has white flour on it such as , white bread, and
potatoes, promote a high surge of  sugar in the body (that is therefore fought by insulin). This whole process might seem quite natural, however it is terrible for the body because
it makes our body store fat and slow the metabolic rate down considerably. It is very important to have carbs in the diet plans, however the good carbs! You should focus on vegetables, fruits and also the whole grains because they have a low impact in the production of insulin of
your body!
3 Exercise
Exercising is one of the best ways to have your metabolism working. It promotes many more
advantages than only helping you with your
weight loss programs. Exercising will help
your metabolism work faster promoting calorie burn (therefore fat burning)! It will also help your body tone up! It is important to exercise at least 30 minutes every day, this will ensure that your metabolism is always working on its maximum!
4 Caffeine!
You should definitely add caffeine to your healthy breakfast recipes! Although most
people do not believe that coffee and caffeine are good for the health, they can be! Everything has a limit and it would definitely not be any different when it comes to caffeine. By drinking a cup of warm coffee every single morning you will have a stimulating substance (in this
case caffeine) acting through your body. The caffeine will help your body get rid of fats from the fat tissues and will also be able to give a huge boost in the metabolic speed rate!

If you have any more
tips on how to speed up your metabolism, please share with 4hourBODY Girl! We
will be more than happy to listen to your thoughts and
For more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!
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Have a healthy, happy day,
Your 4-Hour BODY Girl 
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4 Tips to Help You Rise Above Your Health Struggles

overcoming health struggles, rise above health struggles, health struggles

Whether we like it or not, adversity is part of life. Overcoming adversity is
one of the biggest obstacles we face. Problems, whether big or small are
presented to us throughout our life could be solved. 

Regardless of how lively, intelligent, and pleased we are in the moment, regardless
if life is going on swimmingly, sometimes we are faced with problems,
struggles, challenges, difficulties. 

It is as if we are put to the test, to see what we are made of. How strong can
we really be?
I do not intend to convey the message that the more adversity better, and I’m
not an advocate for suffering. Disabling pain is not beneficial, however I do
believe that it does make us stronger.

It is a reality that happens in the life for each of us, certainly different in
number and intensity from person to person, but challenge is necessary, and if
you’re taking risks or growing as a human being to achieve any sort of results,
the more adversity you will experience. 
4hourbodygirl, 4-hour body health tips, health tips

When it happens, acceptance it is a part of the strategy to get rid of more
suffering. Accepting it may be a way to restructure ourselves and move on
through the pain, especially when we think of health related issues. Just
remember that through the pain, is the reward in the end!

Be aware and accept that adversity, already
mentioned, is a part of life. What you resist, persists, so resist it, go with
it. Trust that this is how it’s supposed to be and learn from it. What I mean
is that acceptance is a way to loosen up and restructure. It is a viable way to
search for alternative ways and move on. There are floods, tsunamis, wars and
disasters of all kinds. Even within your own circle of family and friends there
is a loss, death and tragedy. Although pain is inevitable, suffering is
optional. Such as by contrast happiness is possible but it is optional. So do
your best to not attach any meaning to it, and focus on your result to keep you
moving through it.
Pay Attention!
Another valuable resource is self-confidence.
The trust that everything will work out, hope that there is always a light at
the end of the tunnel, and hope that “this too shall pass
misfortune.” Everything in life has its place and purpose, it is up to us
to make it managable.
Build your internal resources. Before it reaches
the adversity, should propose to work on your emotional balance, should
strengthen your own emotional muscles, courage and discipline. When you become
aware that some difficulties are inevitable, you can prepare yourself mentally
to face adversity head on. Not be very different from the feeling of a soldier
going to war. He (or she) is prepared physically and mentally for any
possibility. The military knows it can be disastrous, frightening, and exhausting, and this
     also easy to get hair loss problem
but he feels prepared and equipped with a set of strategies that enable him to
face the situation with courage. Most often, when you’re prepared for the
worst, the worst never happens, or is much less severe than anticipated.
your external resources. Build a support system based on family, friends or
experts in what you are wanting to achieve. When things get tough, we all need
encouragement and support. We need someone to talk to, someone to help ease the
burden. You’d be surprised to find how many times a friend had a similar
experience and can help guide you in the difficult time. The knowledge that a
friend is there when you need it, can be very comforting. Health coaching or a
fitness trainer could be a great way to support you to while you’re losing weight. Commenting and reaching
out to me here at 
4-Hour Body Girl could be another way of having
support. That’s what I’m here for and why I continue with this blog. Resiliency
like any muscle in our body is built gradually and exponentially with repeated
obstacles and exposure to external forces. If you have no practice in
confronting obstacles (such as when you choose to avoid them), you will not
exercise that muscle and you will never get comfortable getting over adversity.
I’ve come to the point that I’m comfortable being uncomfortable because I’ve
put myself to the test so many times and now actually crave challenge. I can’t
stand it if I’m not growing and learning and getting better and better at
things. Like everything in life, preparation is a friend of effectiveness and
success. No preparation is the perfect mix for failure. In fact, thank God
for the adversity! Learning to cope and overcome adversity, is what makes us
who we are. Every challenge, every difficulty we face in life successfully
serves to strengthen our willpower, confidence and ability to overcome future
obstacles. Whether you are losing weight through a new weight loss program or even
starting a new business, it is very important to keep in mind that it only
depends on you to make everything truly work out.
When you respond in a positive and constructive way
to the biggest challenges, you develop strengths and qualities as virtues;
courage, character, fighting spirit, hope and perseverance emerge from inside.
Of course, since we are human, it is very easy to fall in self-pity, the
unfairness of life, or the trap of “why me?”. In other words “Victim
Mode”. When we do, we fail to recognize the opportunities for growth and
wisdom that accompany adversity. However, as soon as we can or we allow
ourselves to think more clearly, we are able to let the self-destructive,
unproductive thoughts, victimization vanish and work through it to achieve our
desired outcomes.

For more energy and a healthy snack, drink
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Here’s to your Health, Wealth, & Happiness! 



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