How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby

How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby |

How are you feeling right now? Are you at your perfect weight? Do you look in the mirror and love what you see? I hope so, but if not, let’s take a look at How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby, or maybe just in general. After I had my son, I was back to my pre body within a few months. Well, maybe I still have to work on my kegel exercises because that’s not working the same 1.5 years later!  Maybe that’s TMI. Oh well, LOL! Does anyone have the same problem and a solution besides kegels? I’d love to hear about it.

All I did was follow the 4-Hour Body Diet and I was strong and healthy as ever, in a VERY quick amount of time, plus it was enjoyable. The 4-Hour body Diet gets your metabolism going, no matter what it was like before. It’s healthy, and effective. Tim Ferriss spent 15+ years testing the safest, most effective ways to go about this based on the top Olympic Coaches, Body Builders, Doctors and Scientists. It just works!

Here we are at the beach in San Diego. You can see he’s about 6 mo. old in this photo, and I am back in tip top shape! The only exercise I did was really light yoga, maybe 1ce per week and carrying him. It’s all about healthy, slow carb food and my 1 cheat day per week where I indulge, oh and I do indulge! Here’s a link to what I ate one day on my cheat day….almost 4000 calories in one day. Yikes! This blog explains how that all works.

Heather and Hayden in San Diego |

Heather and Hayden in San Diego |

If you’re inspired to lose weight, and this looks like something you’d be interested in, here’s a cheat sheet I put together, to get a better idea of how it works. It’s FREE. If you are even more interested, you can buy his book here, or just keep reading my blog. I have everything you need to know on here including quick, easy, and delicious recipes to inspire you and guide you. Plus if you ever want to know anything about How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby, or anything about the 4-Hour Body diet, please feel free to comment below, and I am always happy to help. 



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A Typical Blogging Work-Week (Infographic)


Do you wonder what it actually takes to be a professional Blogger? I’ve put together A Typical Blogging Work-Week here, for you to get an idea of what the minimum amount of time it takes to dedicate to a blog that will be effective and make money.

Be effective and make money blogging.

Since making this my full-time gig, I have had to get really serious and figure out what it actually takes to make money from anywhere. I am a single Mom of a beautiful toddler and have another business, look after my toddlers friend after daycare for 2 hrs./day and have an exchange student to keep my rent down. I’m juggling a lot, and therefore need to be organized and efficient with my time. I’ve been studying a great blog called Business 2 Blogger & and learning a lot from her.

So each day, I start my day around 7AM(whenever my little guy wakes me up) and we do the whole morning routine. I get him off to daycare, so slooooowly….I can’t seem to make it there by 9AM and then head back home. I make my coffee, set my timer to meditate for 10min. and then get to work. I found this great schedule on Business 2 Blogger and plugged it into my calendar with alarms that go off. Here’s what that looks like and I made an Infographic for it as well, you can find that below….

– 2-3 blog posts (minimum) – 2-3 hours The time per post relies on upon your own particular speed, I would say give 1 hour for each post for a starting blogger.

– Create Images For Blog posts – 3 hours You will need a create a minimum of 6 images, although if you only make 3 images per post, you would have what you need for each social media site. 1 Square for facebook, 1 long vertical for Pinterest and 1 560×292 size for link shares. (Tips for making the best blog images here

– Social Media Promotion – hours a week 3.5 hours – 5.5 hours a week

  • 5+ minutes a day pinning – your content and other influencers content = 35 minutes/week
  • 4 tweets/day (links and non links) = 25 minutes/week
  • 2 Instagram posts/day = 35 minutes/week
  • 5-10 Facebook shares/day = 2-4 hours a week

– Sharing to other Facebook pages  – 30 minutes a week – Take some time to share your posts on larger facebook pages that allow sharing, while your Facebook page is growing,  (Business to Blogger has a great list of big pages that allow you to share your stuff here). 

– Educate Yourself – 1 hour a week This is soooooo important! Investing in yourself! I’m always on Pinterest posting to my “Blogging, Marketing, and Growing My Business” Board. I’m committed to learning something new about blogging each week. I always discover new and useful tips from so many other successful bloggers out there. Not only on Pinterest, but also, through podcasts and on Youtube. 

A Typical Blogging Work-WeekMinimum total – 11 hours a week. All-In-all, you will need to be spending about 11 hours/week to have a successful money-making blog. Not bad! Again, you get out what you put in. 

Here’s a simple weekly checklist & the infografic: [Read more…]

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