Search Results for: build healthy

Do You Know The Best Way To Build Healthy Bones?

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Helping build healthy bones is an important job that we all should know how to do.

Children build half of their bone mass during adolescence and reach their peak bone mass by age twenty. The three most important factors for building healthy, strong bones in children are:

  1. Calcium, 
  1. Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, and supplementation
  1. Weight bearing exercise

Poor nutrition, lack of outdoor activities and lack of exercise have health experts very concerned as cases of Rickets in are rising fast in American children.  Rickets is a childhood bone disease that is typically seen only in third world developing countries.  It causes the bones to ache and to become deformed starting at a young age.
According to Dr. James Beaty, President of the American Academy of Orthopedic  Surgeons,  “There’s some early data showing that even a 10 percent deficit in your bone mass when you finish your adolescent years can increase your potential risk of having osteoporosis and fractures as much as 50 percent”.
When it comes to Americans, the experts believe that poor nutrition combined with too much TV, internet and computer game time is an issue that we need to address immediately.  “This potentially is a time-bomb,” says Dr. Laura Tosi, bone health chief at Children’s National Medical Centre in Washington D.C.
What’s the solution?  Good nutrition through healthy diet plans, sunshine, supplementation and exercise! 

Athletic greens is also a great source of vitamins including vitamin D that could be added to your diet plans. It shouldn’t substitute for proper nutrition but it can be a quick and easy way to get your greens and it tastes fantastic. Throw a tablespoon in your to go cup with water and head outside for a 10 min walk before going to work would cover all the bases… Good nutrition, sunshine and exercise! 

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Have a healthy, happy day!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

Healthy Eating & Fitness Coaching Works!

See how Healthy Eating & Fitness Coaching Works For You!

Individual Coaching Sessions
Assessment – $25 1 hour

Coaching Session – $75/hour

1 Week Meal Planning Session – $100
* I can create a tasty, healthy meal plan with you for you and your family, then create a shopping list and have it sent to your phone so you can pull it up when you’re in the store.

Grocery Shopping Trip – $50/hour
*I can help you select items that will help you achieve, and keep you from buying things that will sabotage your goals.

Cooking lessons – $50/hour
*I will work side-by-side with you to help you create a weeks worth of easy, delicious, yet healthy meals that your family will love.

An eating cheat sheet for what you can and cannot eat to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days – $25

30 Day Coaching Package

The New You


10 Phone or Skype calls – 1 hour each


Coaching Session

Meal Planning Session

An eating cheat sheet for what you can and cannot eat to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days


The Full Meal Deal


Assessment – 1 hour

4 Coaching Sessions – 1 hour each

4 Week Meal Planning Sessions – 1 hour each

4 Grocery Shopping Trips – Up to 2 hours each

4 Cooking lessons – Up to 3 hours each.

An eating cheat sheet for what you can and cannot eat to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days

Unlimited phone support for 30 days

I meet you where you are.

I am here to provide you with a partner who will support and encourage you in your health and wellness goals. This program will serve as an opportunity for you to work with a trained health coach in individual sessions on topics and goals of your own choosing.
I know it can be a struggle to find time for your competing priorities, that’s why I can bring you Health Coaching close to your place of work or home. This offering is designed to meet you at quiet locations that are convenient for you.
In addition to meeting you close to your place of work or home, I aim to build a relationship with you so I can meet you where you are in terms of your health, well-being, fitness and state of mind to keep you on track. This way, together, we can take the first step toward your health and wellness goals.
Get in touch if you are interested in any of the following:

Improved health
Increased energy
Sustainable weight loss
How to get a better night’s sleep
Mastering life’s challenges
Building a powerful immune system
Improved digestive health
Injury prevention
Active lifestyle
Goal setting
Quality of life

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*** I can also do all but the grocery shopping virtually through Skype.

Healthy Eating & Fitness Coaching Works!

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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