Search Results for: Losing Pregnancy Weight

Losing Pregnancy Weight

Here’s a little collage of me pregnant and then 1 week after giving birth! It’s all because of my diet and  the energy and nutrition I get from Athletic Greens. ***Please note that I did add some whole grains to my diet such as oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice as well because I breastfed my baby exclusively and wanted to make sure I had enough calories, vitamins, minerals and fibre for his new start to life.

Are you pregnant and conscious to lose weight after pregnancy? If so, then you are also among 90% women who are worried
about their weight after pregnancy. Even some ladies can adapt quick methods like diet pills to
regain their pre- pregnancy shape; making such decisions is dangerous for them and their baby if they are breastfeeding.
In order to reduce weight; you should be physically as
well as mentally prepare for that. Its common, you gain weight during 9 months of
pregnancy. After giving birth, your body is working to contract your belly to
its pre-pregnancy state, but it can be a slow process. Many women may loose 8 to 20
pounds during first two weeks of
After 6 weeks your body has started to get back to where it needs to be
internally, so it’s best to wait to do any 
exercise during those 6 weeks. Allow your body to rest from the strain it’s been under.
Mothers of new born baby are wondering the best way to reduce weight immediatelyWhen it’s time, here are some facts to reduce
pregnancy weight, 
to shrink your body or loose your extra weight

Breastfeed Your
All women
face question – how they can lose pregnancy weight quickly? The most natural way is
by breastfeeding your babies. This is the fastest and most suitable way to lose pregnancy weight. It may help your
uterus to come back to its normal size. The most important advantage is that ladies who breastfeed, can burn 500-800 calories each day!
A Nutrient Rich Diet: It is another method that helps
to reduce your weight quickly.
Eat colorful fruits and vegetables as much as possible;
but don’t include the fruits having much sugar (like grapes, or mangos), because sugar doesn’t do a body good and could cause obesity. 
Reduce the all sweets from your diet (if possible)  like chocolate (I still had a few pieces dark chocolate every day), cake,
pastries etc. don’t eat too many 
fat rich products– take a little amount that are consumed by your body.
Also reduce carbohydrates rich food (like white breads, rice, pasta, potatoes etc).
Carbohydrates and deep-fried, fatty food play an important role in obesity.
Drink lots of water in each day, especially if breast feeding. Experts say that
8 glasses are necessary per day.
Exercise: exercise is an important way to
reduce weight. I usually say 80% diet, 20% exercise. Firstly, consult with your doctor. When you need to start? Which
exercise is efficient for you? 

After consulting with doctor, start exercise accordingly. Always warm up.
Walking is a great way to lose extra weight. Walking in green environment
at morning time provides extra results to you. If you are a breastfeeding mother, then it gives you wonderful results. You can also choose yoga for it- it may develop grace, strength and wisdom. 
I waited 6 weeks before I did anything except walk and I think I waited at least 3 weeks before I went to the end of my street and back. My baby is 5 months now and I’m still only walking (1 mile walks in the trails near my house), doing really light yoga once in a while, and running around lifting him and playing with him for my exercise. Nothing too strenuous although that’s something I would like to improve upon.
Consequently above mentioned guidelines are more helpful
to reduce your extra weight. If you would like to know more about other tips
simply visit

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Are You Fed Up by Excessive Weight?

A large number of people are fed up by excessive weight. They usually
search for the latest swift weight loss methods that can burn fat and offer an
improbable trim body. A Weight-Loss
often considers an efficient way to slim down your additional pounds.
Quick weight loss strategies are adopted by many of us because they assure
small efforts to lose 10 pounds of weight.
These strategies are not quite as effective as they claim to be. These provide short term effects
only. Such quick
weight loss diets
are not correct for all people. Sometimes they can even be dangerous.

Ensuring you get the daily suggested nutrients, like protein, fiber, vitamins and
minerals will be helpful in eliminating any negative side effects of quick plan to lose weight.
Do not forget to maintain the calorie amounts of more than 1,000 per day for
woman and more than 1,600 per day for men. Cutting the amount of calories too
low can lead to malfunction. It is tremendously important to visit your doctor
regularly so that to make sure they are okay with whatever plan you are thinking of doing, to make sure it is a healthy enough diet in daily practice for you. The
slow action of vegetables and fruits would provide plentiful minerals, vitamins
and fiber necessary for best health. 
The proper burning of fat  also needs for you to eat good fats such as olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. Your body needs to know that you are not starving yourself in order to let go of fat. If your body thinks you are starving or aren’t getting enough fat, or calories, it will store the fat and hold onto it for survival. Getting your body moving for about 45 min a day has been proven to help speed things up and help your heart. Jogging, walking, and cycling for ultimate health will give you results quicker. 
Although quick working pills,
medicines and powders give quick results, they may take a toll on your body and later on end up with a hormonal imbalance. The only pills I have taken with great results are the ones Tim Ferris (and Dr. Oz) recommends (which he learned from top trainers and olympic coaches), are ALA, Green Tea Extract, Garlic Extract, and Polycosonol. These are all c\natural “Stacks” that will have your fats cells commit suicide instead of shrinking, which is what usually happens when a person diets. By taking these natural vitamins, when you go off your diet, you have to build new fat cells instead of the existing ones that just shrunk, return to normal. This is why most people, when they go off of their diet, end up gaining all the weight back an then some. 
I believe, taking that stack, following a slow-carb diet, with my daily intake of Athletic Greens, was the key to my success of losing 10 pounds in 1 month and keeping it off for over 3 years. It is the reason why I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, 1 week after giving birth to my son. 

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