6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Cold Season

When the leaves start falling, and the smell of pumpkin spiced lattes fills the air, you know it’s that special time of year: cold season.

Colds can hit any time of year, but they hit hardest in the fall. Here are the six most effective ways to keep a cold from knocking you out.

6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Cold Season:

Cup of coffee warming in the hands of a girl | www.4hourbodygirl.com
1) Eat and drink healthy.

Healthy eating should be a year-round practice, but now’s the time to be extra vigilant about what you put in your body. Consume more of these health-boosters this season:

Yogurt. Yogurt is full of probiotics, the good-for-you bacteria that reduces the risk of infections. If you’re not into yogurt, take a probiotic supplement instead.

Garlic. Allicin, a substance in crushed garlic, can reduce the risk of catching a cold. Add it to your healthy meals — especially your chicken soup!

Vitamin C. To prevent colds, take a gram of Vitamin C every day. If you still catch a cold, take it anyway. Vitamin C can shorten your cold symptoms by one to two days. Now, doctors are also suggesting Vitamin D is essential every day. Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. 

Nutritional supplements. Not sure if you’re getting enough nutrients? Try nutritional supplements. The right balance of vitamins and minerals keeps your immune system strong.

Water, water, water. Staying hydrated helps your body function at its best. How much water should you be drinking? Divide your weight by three. That’s the number of ounces you should consume per day.

For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs should drink 50 ounces of water — the equivalent of about three water bottles — every day.

Water with lemon in glass | www.4hourbodygirl.com
2) Go to sleep!
Don’t underestimate the cold-fighting power of a full night’s rest. In one study, people who reported sleeping less than 7 hours a night were three times more likely to catch a cold than people who slept eight or more hours. Get at least eight hours of quality shut eye, so you can keep up with your busy schedule.

3) Find a quality doctor.

An avocado a day keeps the doctor away — until you catch a fever! For your routine check-up and relief from the occasional illness, you want a doctor you can trust. With the right health insurance plan, you can even get free support for doctors and services that help you fight off illness.

4) Wash your hands.

Toys, and doorknobs, and phones — oh my! During cold season, every object is a minefield of cold-causing bacteria. The most common cold, rhinovirus, can even survive on surfaces for 24 hours or more.

Your best guard against these germs? Obsessive hand-washing. When you wash, use soap and water, and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Then dry your hands completely. (Germs can cling to wet surfaces.) If you don’t have access to a sink, carry alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Constant hand-washing is your ultimate defense against the common cold!

hands| www.4hourbodygirl.com
5) Avoid the handshake.

Sneezing and coughing are the most common ways that colds get transferred. If you’re near someone who coughs or sneezes, step away. Then wash your hands immediately.

And don’t feel guilty about avoiding a handshake. It’s not offensive during cold season. However, if social politeness demands a handshake, wash your hands before you move on to your next task.

6) Think positive.
In the case of preventing colds, it’s mind over matter. Anxiety, depression, and anger make people more prone to sickness. On the flip side, meditation and low stress levels can cut your chances of catching a cold by 40 to 50 percent.

Happiness Booster | www.4hourbodygirl.com

Need a little happiness booster to get through the day? Cut open an orange or spray a citrus scent in your room. In one study, smelling a potent citrus scent was more effective at improving people’s mood than taking antidepressants!

This Carrot Ginger Juice from MY WHOLE FOOD LIFE is the perfect thing to make to keep your cold at bay. You can find the recipe HERE.

Carrot-Ginger-Juice-Collage | www.4hourbodygirl.com

This fall, it’s time to focus on your long-term health and wellness. There’s no guarantee you’ll avoid a cold, but you can at least improve your odds. Follow these 6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Cold Season, and you might cruise through the chilly months untouched by the cold!

What are some traditions that you grew up as a child to keep you healthy?


Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets | www.4hourbodygirl.com


  1. I love carrot juice. I’ve really gotta start adding ginger.

  2. This is a great post! I love ginger as it has so many immunity boosting benefits. Your pics are gorgeous (as usual). This will be the perfect post to share natural remedies to combat the seasonal cold-virus. I will definitely share this. Cheers!

    • I forgot how Munich looks in Autumn motnhs 🙂 I used to go to Munich a few times a year with my family, to go shopping. I’m daydreaming of having sushi in hotel Ana on Bayer strasse, shopping for cosmetics in Kartstadt and having the best italian coffee ever in the underpassige in Hertie.The colours are very much the same here, 400 km south, or perhaps in any direction 🙂

  3. Thanks for this post. Never knew an avocado would be good for a cold. Must try that.

  4. I love this! Such simple and natural ways to avoid a cold. As a child we always loaded up on lemon and ginger tea, to keep colds at bay – I still do it to this day 🙂

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