There are so many different health problems out there, but it always seems like each one is derived from similar things. It could be genetics, but it has been proven that with the knowledge we have today, even genetic health problems can be altered. Ray Kurzweil told us how in the documentary he created called Transcendent Man. He, and many other health professionals, have shared time and time again, many things we can do to get better from almost any health problem, so here are 14 Tips For Curing Your Biggest Health Problem.
14 Tips For Curing Your Biggest Health Problem
Get to the root of the problem – On the surface you may have an issue, but what is it really stemming from? Is there some deep rooted resentment that has been building up inside that you haven’t released and now it’s coming out physically? Could you be so worried and stressed out about something that your body is physically compensating for that? Is there some toxic behavior you’ve been partaking in that could be eliminated? If you can get to the root of the health problem, you can start focusing on making changes that affect the root issue, not the symptom thats on the surface. If you ‘re just masking the symptoms with pills, the problem will never go away.
- Focus on the solution instead of the problem – Have you ever heard the saying “What you resist persists”? If you are resisting the health problem, and continually focused on it, you waste precious time that could be thinking about the solution. Tony Robbins said “If you keep asking yourself, Why am I so fat?, you will keep focusing on being fat. If you switch it to, how can I be healthy, your brain cannot differentiate positive and negative messages, it focuses on the thoughts and feelings.”
- Do a detoxifying cleans – While identifying what the root cause of your health problem might be, it probably wouldn’t hurt to do a detox cleans. Consult your doctor, or better yet a naturopath, and ask them which one would be right for you. Most likely eliminating any acidic vs. alkaline foods or substances would probably be okay. I’ve read this is especially good if you have cancer.
- Relax – We are so programmed in our society that doing more means you’re with more, but this simply isn’t true. Feeling good is the most important. We only live once so you might as well make it feel the best. If you are in your best state you can be the best for others. Take some time for yourself. Stop everything and just relax. The other day I was really stressed out about some circumstances that were out of my control. Around 2pm in the afternoon, I stopped everything was doing, drew a bath, put some lavender oil in it, and played some relaxing guided meditation I found on youtube and just let everything go. I decided in that moment to detach from everything happening, and just trust that it was all going to work out. I couldn’t control it anyway…so why worry and stress about it?
- Meditate – This is a new one for me. Well, maybe for a year now, I’ve started listening to Eckhart Tolle, Abraham Hicks, Micheal Singer, and Vishen Lakiani about being present and how to meditate. I take 15 min. in the morning, and 15 min. at night before I go to sleep to just be still, and use that time to appreciate things and get into a good feeling place. It’s really made a difference for me. This kind of goes hand in hand with relaxing.
- Make a list of healthy options – Take a moment and just jot down as many things you can think of that are healthy things you already do and healthy things that you would like to incorporate into your daily life. Having them down on paper, helps you realize that you are already doing a lot of healthy things and brings the things that have been swimming around in your mind to the forefront. It also will serve as reminder to just glance at it once in a while of things you could start choosing in the moment. Put the list somewhere you can see it like your bathroom mirror or the fridge maybe.
- Make a list of things that make you feel happy and good – Same goes for this list. You could also make a list of things that don’t make you feel good, but don’t focus on that one. If you feel good tickling your child because you love the sound of their laugh and it makes you feel good, put that on the list. Looking at images of cute animals on Pinterest makes me feel good. I feel great after I do yoga. Think of everything you can imagine that makes you feel good, and when you have some downtime, pick one of the things on the list and do it. If you make a list of things that don’t make you feel good after doing them, you could replace the good with the bad!
- Learn about something that interests you – I know I feel great when I learn something new, plus it will keep your mind off of your health problem because you will be too focused that to think about whatever your issue is. Maybe when you’re meditating or making your list of things that make you feel good, you could think about what interests you and start learning more about it. Maybe you end up becoming an expert on it and start teaching other. What better way to give back, make you feel good, and to keep your mind of your health problem.
- Get present and enjoy the moment – Being present in the moment, instead of being in the past or future that don’t exist yet is challenging, but I believe it is the key to peace and appreciating that moment no matter what is happening, I think is the key to happiness. Peace and happiness are 2 things that interests me, so I’ve been learning all kinds of things about how to achieve them in every moment.
- Trust that it’s all going to work out – Just today, I was talking to another mom about this, and how I used to be such a planner. I actually planned out all my goals 15 years out! I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but I’ve let go of the planning so much and am focused on feeling good and about what I want. For example, I wanted to go to Bali. I put it on my vision board and hung it next to my bathroom mirror. I meditated about 5 days a week, and pictured myself there. Then one day I decided to rent my house out furnished. I thought, I’ll put a lock on my door under the stairs, put all my personal belongings in there, and if it rented I would go to Bali for as long as it rented. Someone wanted it for 2 months, then everything just fell into place. I went by myself with my 2 year old BTW.
Bali is AMAZING!
- Get perspective – Another reason I went to Bali was to get perspective. If you can take a trip by yourself somewhere, it doesn’t have to be Bali, even caping for 2 days, or a spa weekend, whatever you can afford, and what you think you would enjoy, do it. Take that time for yourself. Again, you only live once and if you have a health problem now, there’s no better time to go. Do whatever works for you and stop saying some day or some day will never come.
- Get general – The easiest way to feel good is to appreciate things. If you have a health problem, that may be hard to do, so get general. Can you appreciate the way your bed feels? Can you appreciate the fact that you breathed all night long and didn’t even have to think about it? Find something totally general that you can appreciate around you, and focus on that.
- Make little changes – It’s probably really difficult to change everything over night. Every day, you can make little changes. Start with the easiest ones and work your way up. If you’re committed to start doing yoga everyday, maybe you could start by 1 – 2 classes/week and then add 3, and then unlimited. Or instead of drastically turning vegan, when you’ve been eating McDonalds Burgers your whole life, maybe just order a salad with your Burger instead of fries next time. You know what I mean?
- Get moving – I read an article in Time Magazine a while back that interviewed Centurions (Poeple that live to be 100) some of them smoked, some of them only ate organic, some of them drank, but the one thing they all had in common was that they were all active. They all moved their body some way. I feel like I can always do better at this one, since I’m on the computer a lot. I prefer to eat well and not exercise but I know how important it is and I always feel better afterward to I choose to make it a priority. For some motivation check out TOP 30 HEALTH BLOGGERS TO FOLLOW NOW TO LOSE WEIGHT
For more energy and a healthy snack, drink this!
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Here’s to your Health, Wealth, & Happiness!

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